
How would a white person cosplaying as a black character be insensitive, if a black person cosplaying as a white character isn’t?

Here’s a better headline:

Fuck Konami. Fuck Konami so much.

It’s sad that Jezebel is so generally pants-on-head retarded that I can’t even tell if this is a joke.

These people are slime. (The neighbors, not the trailer owner)

I don’t have a problem with the lack of multiplayer, I have a problem with blatantly and intentionally misleading their customers. That’s what this is about... and it’s a big, BIG deal.

Headline: “An Olympic Diving Team Has Broken Up Over an Alleged Fuck Fest”


When someone clearly and completely dominates a sport, they will inevitably be compared to past athletes who have clearly and completely dominated their own sports. This isn’t sexist, disrespectful, or indeed negative in any way.

Yup, and Philando Castile got what was coming to him, right?

Trying to make your hilariously corrupt, election-rigging candidate look like the lesser of two evils isn’t going to get anyone to vote for her.

You being mad about this mundane, lousy movie is more entertaining and silly than the movie itself.

I have a pretty good general familiarity with the history of party politics, at least in this country. Is your point that worse things have happened? Because to that I respond “no shit”, and worse things are happening every day that we don’t even know about.

Please, do explain how history excuses what’s going on right now.

Of course! Hillary had nothing to do with the election rigging, and anyone who criticizes her for that—or anything else—is an evil sexist Trump-lover.

You really don’t think the appalling corruption of Hillary Clinton and the DNC has alienated traditionally Democratic voters? It has. People who haven’t fully fallen into the trap of partisanship, people who actually care about ethics, and people who don’t just want more of the same.

Do you think that attacking the other candidates is going to actually get anyone to vote for someone who rigged the Democratic primary election?

Not in any car I would ever own or support in any way.

Heartwarming. Except for the fact that she’s voting for such a corrupt scumbag.

^Talking politics online, ladies and gentlemen. The trolls always reveal themselves.