How long does it take to detatch a retena ?
Inquiring minds want to know...
Obviously the tire pressure was off by 3PSI and this confused the autopilot software...
One more thing...
SndhUIF = Send help, u is fukd
Somebody checked their carrion?
I didn’t read a single damned word after the headline.
Similarly, I have petitioned Nissan to commission a custom Versa to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of me getting divorced from my psychotic ex wife.
Years back I worked for a computer company that had Southwest as a customer...
What I really want to know:
Fantastic accomplishment, and I really don’t mean to detract from it...
It is obvious you do not live in California... where registering the car involves a fair bit more expense and paperwork than importing it.
You say Bizarro, I say:
Am I the only one bothered by the fact that the car is angled into traffic and the wheel is turned waiting for the opportunity to make the left turn?
Making cars spacecraft is hard.
I don’t see why we need this... Telsa owners have already demonstrated that you can just pull onto any convenient lawn and plug in to the homeowner’s outlets!
Having done business with Apple in the past, I can state that it was (and probably still is) standard operating procedure for Apple to contractually require all partners, vendors, suppliers and practically anyone it does business with to never refer to them by name and never mention any relationship with Apple.
Well... My 1969 Mustang Mach 1 came with a fair bit of fake wood paneling straight from the factory - it just happened to be on the inside.