Is it true that when you sit in a Corvette you can hear Porches rust?
I am sure this will spark a heated debate about the cause of ignition...
COTD! I am humbled and reply with another quote from George Eastman of Kodak fame: “My work is done.” What else is left for me (except perhaps a $kaycog reply...)?
You know, even though this Mach-E coupe is being targeted at secretaries now, I bet in just a few years it will have much more power and evolve into the definition of a muscle car!
Serious question: I thought one of the strategic keys to Tesla’s success was that they produced an electric sedan that was both good looking and conventional in its styling... So my question is: WTF?
I suppose it is better to build them in-house than out-house; I hear that almost always ends up with a crappy product.
They might have been an even bigger thing in internal combustion...
I’ve found the airlines and TSA remarkably reasonable about a lost driver’s license. On the other hand, rental car companies are total jerks about this. I had a job that required me to fly and rent a car every week. The rental car employees knew me by name/sight, but refused to rent me a car when I left my driver’s…
Imagine that...
On the other hand...
Sacrilege! Can it be the Emperor was denied the sublime joy of being able to rip a muffled fart on woolen seats and is forced to endure the harsh echos of leather like us plebeians?
Given the base cost of the car, I’m sure the original purchaser just “shrugged” when asked if they wanted the “Atlas” green...
Can it fit in a single parking space unlike most of the Porsches near me?
I reported my 85 year old mother-in-law.
For all the talk of the new Corvette C8 being a supercar, it looks like the older Corvettes already were...
“Lucky me! My owner is taking me to the vet in the fun car to get ‘tutored’”!