
Pretty sure that’s a Lambo, dude.

I can confirm: wool seats are much quieter than leather when you fart.

What about peanuts, water, and bathrooms?

Now playing

Obligatory: “I’ll have what she’s having...”

Brings a whole new meaning to “Blunt to Fakie”.

After all, it is fast food...

A simple cosmetic make over just won’t cut it... what this car really needs is a super-charger; yes, the real youth market demand is for an electric leaf blower.

Give me a moment to compote myself after that reply...

Not necessa-celery.

You never know who will turnip in these threads.

I might be interested in this custom camper, but I am concerned about possible rust issues. I just can’t stand car-rot.

Would you peas stop it with the puns? We need to squash this trend.

Dodge Caliber? I see what you did there...

I’m sorry: where exactly is her ass? Just trying to assess the potential damages...

Do you know why the minor paint damage casts so much to repair?

I suppos-itory you are co-rectum. Ugh. That hurt to type

Yes, I would find that hard to swallow. I would prescribe a physical examination before bidding.

I’m sure they will catch a lot of static for the lack of FM...

I’ll just quote George Eastman’s suicide note: “My work is done”. Thank you for asking, my bucket list is complete!

At first I thought I was making a joke… Then I realized I was serious. My personal experience is that I have never been asked how much one of my exotic/rare cars cost. The closest I have come to this is someone asking what one of my classic cars was worth. People actually talk to me when I’m driving a restored old