
God bless Waze.

Duh, they can't be candidates!

If only Apple would do the same, and Roku would rule the world. It's not only that it's simple to use, has many content sources, a fantastic universal search: it's that killer remote. You don't have to point, works from under the covers, and the audio jack is pure genius.

Oh the paradox! If there were, your post would be deleted!

Wouldn't it be fantastic if the shortcuts were the same??

Awesome. Just bear in mind Schumacher's family has claimed it was the GoPro on his helmet that caused much of the damage to his brain.

Works here... I have been in the developer program and followed that stream of updates, and now it works fine, didn't really have to do anything!

Yup, and succesful at it.

I think the industry is aiming for paper-thin.

The tax systems in many countries in South America are very punishing, you'll pay roughly twice in USD for the same car there and here. That and the very different income profile of the population there makes how many cars can be bough severely reduced. In essence, they need old, smaller cars to make their prices

Nope, Argentina did. Uruguayans want to be Argentinians, though they'll never admit it. Argentinians are also never just "Argentinians," they're Italian-Argentinians or French Argentinians or whatever. Uruguay is much smaller, traditionalist and arrogant than Argentina.

Don't hang up on technicalities and details, the concept was beautiful!

you win today.

YAY! MORE ways to watch Frozen!


Leslie I got one and haven't looked back. I oscillate between being offended by the blown-up apps and being relieved I can embrace my decaying eyesight while partaking int he digital revolution. It is at the size limit for my hands, but I don't have to use the double-tap. I no longer carry around my iPad Mini,

Know a few bikers in NYC who would have preferred for this model.

Man I'm so 1980s I don't even fucking get it.

This is the one for me.

Ah, the pressures of being overrated...