
Haha my wife loves the ad where the guy is leaving the farm and his truck is getting stuck in the mud. She says "Holy shit, you take a blue pill and you can tow a car with your dick??" Breaks me up every time. FULL DISCLAIMER: I don't take the pill, and cannot pull a truck out of the mud with my dick.

...or, the police only capture the stupid criminals.

Leave it to a prosecutor to throw the word "retarded" in there just for good measure. Too "retarded" to hold back, huh?

Why, how do you know where to aim your ass at night? ;)

I have a grey 5s and bought a yellow leather case from Apple, which "aged" beautifully. Only complaint is the audio jack hole, which is a bit small and doesn't play nice with all jacks.

What they mean "won't transfer from network A to network B" is that the carry-over between wireless and cellular is not seamless. Carry-over is seamless between cellular antennas so you can carry your conversation as you drive out of range of one antenna into the range of the next. If you call someone on your car

Yes please! This is the only significant loss to cutting the cable right now!

Mine came through immediately after the order was confirmed on the Apple Store iPad app.

Got through! On iPad app. 128GB Grey iPhone 6 Plus, delivered Oct 1st to Oct 6th. Go figure.

You didn't weigh in battery life or the possibility of dumping your iPad Mini needs in the future!

Well, for example. we ended up flying over 8 hours with our 3 year old to get her baptized in the town where my mother in law lives. We'd waited well over 2 years for her health to recover so we could fly her here, but it took a turn for the worse so we flew there instead. Since there is nothing illegal or banned

I travel for business often, so I am in business when I'm on my own. Before we had kids, my wife and I would use miles to upgrade to business on long trips. But since we had our first, we go the "corralling" route. We buy coach, and try and secure a row so we can each sit on one side and the kids in the middle.

Yeah, I'm not at all excited about a 700hp Ferrari because Bugatti got there first!

Depends on how you look at it. If the parents buy Business to get rid of the kids, they're actually paying the airline for other passengers to babysit their kids. However, if they save by sending the kids back in coach instead of Business, it's actually a great deal for the parents!

YES, I was searching whether this had been posted already before throwing it out there. I was a sad, sad super-frequent flier for many years, so I got so see/ share the patterns of different fliers. Most frequent fliers, like I was, were exactly like Bill Murray in SNL, except sadder and quiet about what was in our

I don't think her options are the same options every parent faces. Sometimes you need to go somewhere and your kids have to tag along. Don't like to live around kids, move to Boca.

I'd rank people who let their kids kick the seat way higher in the Ass-hole scale. Kids looking over the back of their own seats are just bored stiff and not really harming anyone. I'd go as far as saying, if you don't want to be seen, you don't belong in a cramped tin can with 200 - 400 other passengers.

Getting past the backlash for people employing full-time maids, I'm sure the dedicated floors will prove to be a bad idea. People who hire maids don't want them talking to other maids. They want to contain salary and working condition discussions, and are incredibly scared of gossip. Not judging, just stating.

Ashley, you've got my support. Seats are supposed to recline, they gain 100 comfort points. And if civility means anything, everybody is more comfortable if everyone reclines! It seems that non-recliners are on a moral quest and don't recline to become martyrs. Well f you martyrs, I'm reclining!

"Where we're going, we don't need roads."