Microsoft need to stop buying up studios and focus on running the ones they bought five years ago at this point.
Microsoft need to stop buying up studios and focus on running the ones they bought five years ago at this point.
This dearth of first-party releases has led some Game Pass subscribers to publicly point out how the service isn’t fully living up to its promise.
Does the TikTok generation have gorilla DNA? That character model looks like if Popeye fucked a cave troll. It looks really stupid
So many details in certain systems and yet others seem completely glossed over. The skill tree is massively complex, with upgrade increments being single digit, yet I can’t see over the steering wheel when I drive (???). Guns have like 20 different attributes, but I can’t interact with NPCs?
I agree. I played it for a good chunk on PC, encountered no gamebreaking bugs and it still felt like much of the gameplay mechanics were rushed and unfinished.
If all they’ve focused on is performance and bugs, it’s still not ready.
As somebody who is a long-time fan of the RE series and also felt that RE7 wasn’t nearly as good as other entries in the series (especially because of the emphasis on stealth and grindhouse style gore), I can say: you should give it a shot.
“but Epic seems in no rush to make their launcher a place that people want to spend any amount of time in”
Still can’t understand why anyone at any point would want to spend time in a launcher rather than the thing being launched.
Sweeney himself maintains a controlling position in the company. Tencent can’t do shit.
Considering what a shitshow community pages and reviews are for Steam, I can understand why a store run by a developer took them out behind the dumpster with a rifle. Honestly part of the reason I use Epic is it’s not a pain in the ass. I want to buy the game, and I want to play the game. I can easily look up what my…
Why would Tencent use Epic as their trojan horse and not one of the much larger companies they have investments in (Activision, Snapchat, Reddit, Tesla, Ubisoft, etc)?
To each their own. I was also lucky enough to get both consoles at launch, and while I completely acknowledge every convenience the Series X/S brings, I’ve played my PS5 far more than my XBOX in the last few months. It probably has a lot to do with my PS library being far more vast, so convenient game swapping aside,…
Yeah, there are definitely good uses of it by third parties, but nothing that even compares to Astro Bot. And I doubt devs will spend the time to tailor the haptics specifically for PS5 games without Sony shelling out cash to ensure they do. I think it’s great in COD and I’m in the same boat with you there. I just…
believe it or not, most people actually own and play more than one video game
Some people need to spend less time on the internet.
Except it just makes Apple look like even bigger arseholes. Devs are pissed at Apples 30% take and it’s self serving monopolistic practices and all probably wish they had the resources to do what Epic is doing.
Jesus, why do gamers have such a strong xenophobic tendency about them? Tim Sweeney is the controlling shareholder which means Tencent has nothing to do with this.
It really seems like that Apple only wants to remove the Unreal Engine just to punish Epic, but honestly I am not even surprised anymore, thats just the way Apple operates now. Ironically it will hurt developers much more than Epic.
This is rehashed every time the game is brought up I know but man I really wish there was a third person option for this. I have the same issue with stealth in first person and in general, have an easier time with perception in 3rd. I absolutely love everything I’m seeing about this, and if it even hits 1/100th of the…