No actual hate whatsoever for the two of them, they look gorgeous and in love.
I’ve got a thing for eye crinkles, so the close up shot is getting me.
Oh GROSS they look so in love and happy, ugh. Yuuuuuck.
I’m pretty sure Mike Pence’s idea of sex is spending five minutes alone in the room with the object of his desire. He definitely does that nightly with this ornament. He stares at it with feeling.
Yeah, there’s a time difference.
Currently, increasing Trump’s chances of a fatal meltdown by a good 10-15%.
Well seeing this all started with Weinstein finally paying the piper, just look at the film industry. Think about how many talented actresses there must be out there who never got a break because they don’t have the necessary “look”.
I would say something about the abused re-abusing other or something, but I think that would be a bullshit coppout and excuse for these assholes.
I think it helps that at the end of the last decade you started to see the development of what is now generally termed “poptimism”: the idea that, contra the ‘80s and ‘90s, things that are “pop” aren’t inherently devoid of value, and in fact can be aesthetically interesting. (One of my favorite bands, the…
I’m guessing that part of the extra outrage is the nerd mythos which is that they are put-upon, oppressed, excluded guys who aren’t like those meatheads and then the second they have an iota of power they act exactly like all the other dickheads they decried.
One that’s done a ton of soul-searching about gender inclusion and abuse, actually. (Indie rock, whatever the name means nowadays.)
This conflation of appearance and work prowess could go the other way as well. “I remember looking at people that we were going to interview for the project and [Morgan and Jeremy] kind of making an assessment based on what they looked like,” a former producer who worked with the company in 2009 says. “Like, oh I wish…
This is exactly why I extricated myself from geek culture a long time ago. Although the seeds of it definitely were present in the ‘90s, at some point in the ‘00s geekdom became a den of truly vile misogyny, which reared its head publicly with Gamergate. And, of course, since this was a movement full of resentful…
“I’m such a horrible person, I’m so sorry, you must hate me right now” is a classic tool of the abusive partner.
I think he’s was def still drinking during SSM, I also kinda want to rewatch it now that I know this info, I imagine a lot of the health issues stemmed from drinking almost everyday AND eating Big Macs, I also think Mc Donald’s could probably sue his ass if they wanted to. I mean to say “if you eat Mc Donald’s your…
I would call my female assistant “hot pants” or “sex pants” when I was yelling to her from the other side of the office.
All the harassment stories that have come out have had varying degrees of repulsion for me — Weinstein, horrified; Batali, scandalized; but these guys my first visceral reaction is “where do these fuckers get off with this shit?” Like these nerdy fuckers who couldn’t get a date in high school now reveling in their…
Also, I saw someone point out that Spurlock’s comment about being alcoholic for the past 30 years really undermines Super Size Me, since at one point in the film a doctor says that his liver “looks like an alcoholic’s” after eating McDonald’s for so long. Like... damn. We now know that he was an alcoholic. That’s not…
Spurlock and his ilk are doing exactly what my ex used to do: preemptively come out and admit shitty behavior, verbally and publicly self-flagellate, agree with every assessment critics make about their character so they don’t have to listen, and hijack the conversation to talk about what huge assholes they were, but…