
For real. I don’t know which aspect was the worst — the direct line between Washington and Trump. The normalization of his presidency by focusing on what he has in common with his predecessors. The recitation of an oath that he has no interest in keeping. The inspirational music underneath it all.

It still really fucking distresses me that Trump is forever going to be memorialized in the Hall of Presidents. That’s a petty and small thing compared to all of the other horrors that he’s inflicted on us in the past 11 months, yet it still cuts me deeply.

There is just no fucking purpose to this but sticking it to Obama, is there? It’s not like there’s no market for non-organic chicken. You just can’t charge as much for your badly-treated chickens, which presumably cost less to raise anyway.

Therapy works. By all accounts he was not in a great place mentally for much of his life. He got help, stopped drinking constantly, and turned into what seems like a pretty decent guy.

Harry has already said that trump isn’t getting an invite. Please don’t threaten to nuke the UK because you are butthurt Donald. (It would be kind of weird if he was invited though because we actually properly despise him over here and there would be a weird mash-up of celebrations for the wedding and protests against

Ehhh, I’m at a whatever point on this. Franken made the decision to resign, and honestly, it was the right decision because if you’re being hassled by reporters all the time over a story, you can’t properly do your job anymore. On some level, it’s no different than a health issue, it might not be fair, but if your

If I had to bet on which democrat was going down next for inappropriate sexual behavior, my guess would be Manchin. I don’t know how to describe it, but in the same way some people run cold or hot, I think some people have a larger or smaller personal space bubble, and Manchin’s is pretty small. That’s not to say he’s

And democrats continue to shoot themselves in the face. Let this story die, Joe.

I’ve gotten jaded and side-eye-y to the point that I assume anyone asking him to not resign doesn’t want a precedent set when credible allegations come up against them.

I feel you. I didn’t have that particular problem, but I now have “She is the Schnauzer Queen, old and sweet, only eighty-one...” running through my head on a loop.

“I’ve moved on,” Manchin said, “I really have moved on.”

I believe in buying dogs from reputable (ethical) breeders.

Your answer probably depends largely on whether or not you believe in buying dogs from reputable breeders or adopting.


The Doberman I had 10 years ago had his tail clipped before we got him, but we left his ears floppy. It fit his goofy personality perfectly. Once we get another dog though, I’m going to pick up a shelter dog. I’m not going to overly judge anyone who gets a pure-breed, but I don’t care about the breed as much as if

The issue isn’t the altering of the dags, but the standard of care she is supposed to employ when altering the dags. Fuck her wrinkly old ass.

This is heartbreaking so instead I will pretend this article was about what I first thought upon reading the headline, which is: a schnauzer who is 81 years old and also a queen.

Not that I’m a fan of going after 82 year old humans, but the whole thing of physically altering dogs to suit our tastes is pretty awful and we need to stop doing that.

Starring for a good comment though I sincerely hope you are wrong.

That’s pretty much a given either way. What with all those Second Amendment folks…