
I’m at the point where I don’t want him to resign over sexual misconduct. I’m not sure I want him to resign at all. I want his ass nailed to the wall and prosecuted for obstruction and treason.

Speaking of dirt bags, Doug Jones was asked about DJT and apparently was possessed by a Republican when giving his answer:

It’s because he’s so good at being entitled.

Isn’t that a clear violation of Free Speech?

Newspeak has arrived. Orwell is spinning in his grave. Erasure has begun. Be very very afraid. [posted anonymously by an unperson]

Oh, THAT’S why I roll my eyes so much!

I’d say vulnerable would be “good for nothing burden on the State”.

Also relevant:

After which, we’ll deport them for not having already been born into the “correct” religion in the first place.

“forcing immigrants in custody who want an abortion to attend right–wing, religious, anti–abortion “counseling.””

Absent-minded people are a trip though. I recently bought Tiles for my mom  because she regularly can’t find her keys or phone when she wants to leave her own house. You’d go pick her up and it turned into a half-hour Easter egg hunt situation minus the chocolate reward. I’m sure she knows where her car is, that would

There was a “feminist” teacher at my old school who used to publicly shame her undergrad female students for wearing make up or dresses, and she hated men. My husband took a class from her and on the first day, she said she would ban men from her classroom if she could. She was also very transphobic and would teach

YOu mean a suitcase?

I think we’re in agreement. More men are in power position, so more men abuse power, just in raw numbers. I really think that a big driver of this is just people who get off being dominant over other people. In my experience, both men and women can exhibit this trait.

As a man, I’ve had female bosses (technically, boss’s boss’s boss) who treated women MUCH worse than men.

I think the conversation is, “A lot of people who have power tend to abuse that power. A lot of people who have power are men.” Powerful women could absolutely pull the same stuff as the men we’ve seen, but it’s a much smaller pool and (at least in terms of like, office jobs) women have a harder time getting above

Useful reminder that the kind of people who are are both needy and entitled enough to seek elective office often are kinda shitty!

I mean, #MeToo and all, but it has to be said... there is a whooooole lotta reckoning coming for some toxic women in the workplace. Because for every ass pinch or promotion pass-over from a Gross Office Dude, I got at least two hardcore flashbacks of a female supervisor traumatizing me with verbal abuse and body

can she not run without the DCCC? i am not entirely sure how it works. but if she is adamant about this being false and wants to keep running, why can’t she?

to be honest, (and I will rely on some generalizations here) many/most women are smaller in physique (whilst still being strong in muscle to body mass type measurements) than most of their male counterparts. When thinking of race car packaging, and #AddLightness it makes sense to have a strong fit woman than a strong