
Obama is the best. He doesn’t even have to do this stuff anymore but look at him, out and about. Meanwhile the shitstain in the White House is trying his best to destroy everything good in this world.

What was disturbing about it was that I couldn’t get laid again for another two years.

This seems just an opportune occasion to remind everyone that Dustin Hoffman, proudly and on the record, shared the story of how he lost his virginity by raping a woman age 15.

“Me too” says Mary of Nazareth .

That can’t be true about Hoffman since 1987 is after Tootsie came out. You know when he learned all the pain and pressure being a woman entailed and decided they were worthy of respect?

Anybody who routinely sleeps naked doesn’t own two cats that routinely pounce on them at night. Reeking of herring would not help matters.

Americans need to reacquaint themselves with the lifestyle trend of hobo (Ho-bo). Living in cardboard boxes tastefully insulated with old newspaper, draping yourself in fourth-hand fashion stolen out of donation boxes, and sumptuously dining from dented cans of outdated meat and veggies foraged from dumpsters. Our new

WHY don’t their PR teams coach these idiots on what to say? Disney coached their child stars extensively on how to avoid sticky topics and what to say about things that had to be discussed. Surely Disney doesn’t employ the only competent PR team on the planet, so why do these men keep trying to discuss something they

There’s nothing to be done about the lovebombing, except watch to be sure it stays there and doesn’t escalate. Peaches was threatening to do what Meteor has done to us, and start intruding on her conversations with others to “educate” them about who they’re talking to. I asked her to scale it back, but maybe that’s

Yeah I’ve stopped paying any attention to those Jorni bots as they get no attention but self-liking it turns out.

Next stop: Lebensborn.

That’s yer problem, lil lady. Maybe if you cooled your jets with the feminazi whatnot there you’d find a nice man who’d wanna take you on, take care of you and provide for yer womb critters. But if you keep using that sorta foul language, well, it sounds like it’s your fault if you’re struggling! Struggling against

I’ve been expecting the day they’d say this sort of shit. I’ve always believed these anti-abortion types were really scared about being “outbred” by those dirty non-Whites/immigrants they hate so much and therefore want to stop abortions to keep the White American population up.

Yeah? I should have kids? I’m in my mid 30s, unmarried, don’t own a home, and I’m still paying off extensive student loans. You fuckers have made it impossible for this generation to afford anything, and yet you think we should procreate so we can, what, have a new generation of struggling poors?

So like ... can I have maternity leave? Affordable prenatal care? Any treatment for my battered lady-bits after birth? Help with childcare? (My parents live very, very far away and I really like what I do for a living.) Will my daughters be able to get jobs where they won’t be harassed by their employers, or is their

But retweeting praise undoes the idea that this might be a first step in learning how to be better.

The retweets are shit but apart from that, show an understanding of what happened. He’s so caught up in his own defense that he’s missing the part where he admits he tried over and over again to have sex with her after she said no until she relented. This is common amongst guys and it needs to stop. If someone says no

Yeah, I was reading Spurlock’s words here and thinking it seemed like a pretty good public admission, even if he was taking away his victims’ ability to speak out first. But retweeting praise undoes the idea that this might be a first step in learning how to be better.

I get so uncomfortable about the desire for people to suffer that goes against base tenets of mental health.