
I think it might also be good for progressives to identify and define themselves on these issues. I think the left still suffers from a wariness to engage in anything that might be labeled identity politics, while the right has moved toward open racism. People of color still vote for Democrats because they’re

We keep telling you guys. White women don’t care about embracing other historically oppressed and marginalized groups. They don’t want all people to be treated equally. They want to be equal to white men and that’s it. Even for so called feminists, that’s the only goal of feminism. They benefit too much from white

And it’s likely the next generation of this group will vote differently than their mothers and grandmothers.

I think this is an interesting point, and it’s the *only* way I can logic Alabama’s support of Moore. To them, it was a choice between a child molester and a child murderer, and they chose what they perceived to be the lesser of two evils.

Absolutely right! White non-evangelical women went overwhelmingly for Jones.

My extended white (mostly female) evangelical family are nearly single-issue voters. That issue being: ABORTION

This is so interesting! Thanks for your comment.

As you single out the admirable voting record of black women, Jewish women, Latinas, Lesbians (of any ethnicity/faith). Not mentioned here are Muslim and Catholic women, who also tend to vote Democratic.

I’m like 99% certain they took some kind of nude stock asset and just colored the boobs blue. If you look at boundary between skin and bra, it looks incredibly seamless. Especially on the outside of her right boob.

I’m pretty sure the white woman GOP voters in my family (Alabamans) vote 100% only based on abortion. They will never vote for someone who admits to being pro-choice. For real. That and they are stealth racists who don’t care about equality. It’s like beating your head against a wall to convince them anything other

Anyone who dares to mention how they’re a good ally and should be appreciated is going to get their arse handed to them.

I completely expect that everyone is going to remain very calm and civil about this topic. /s

Well I’m sure this comment section won’t descend into fucking anarchy...

Not knowing what OPs goals were, I took his reply differently. I took it as an admonition not to intertwine your worth so closely with another person. So many life goals worth having dont require a spouse; the partner just enriches that experience. We are also the only people we can fully control; it isn’t exactly a

Don’t think I should need to tell most of you this but anyhow the disgusting comment pretending to be me is just Jorni. Everyone’s getting impersonated right now. Just flag, dismiss, and ignore.

It took a total of 5 minutes... by women. I think that’s the problem right there, no women on the design team, or at least none in a position to voice concerns.

That last paragraph made me angry.

What kinds of goals were they? I’m curious because I never thought of having goals in the context of my marriage (other than have kids, I guess?).

I finally got one of those fake mimic accounts replying to one of my comments. When is it my turn to be mimicked?

I think you mean...unpresidented.