That’s okay, Andy Yeatman. Here are the things I don’t believe in and therefore conduct my life accordingly despite any evidence to the contrary:
That’s okay, Andy Yeatman. Here are the things I don’t believe in and therefore conduct my life accordingly despite any evidence to the contrary:
What’s often left unsaid in these matters is that, even if Roy Moore did molest you, its due to the moral failings of your parents and they would never ever let that happen to their children.
Now, you can say, “How can you say Christian values when this man is accused of something like that.” But for us, it’s more so, “He who hasn’t sinned cast the first stone.”
No, but when you look a the break down of votes by race and gender, the picture it paints is pretty stark. I’m a white woman, so I’m not on the attack here at all...but for 63% of white women to vote for a man like that is just messed up. We all remember those creepy men who perved on us when we were teens. We all…
If you really think about it, conservative white women feel that they stand the most to lose if minorities/liberals prevail. They do not stand to gain anything further from feminism, because as part of conservative families, they do not want to or can’t pursue careers and their religious beliefs prevent them from…
As a black female, voter it is tiring. One woman said her back is tired from carrying the Democratic Party. Especially when we cannot get them to acknowledge our support or issues that are important to us.
I think people already know that, because it’s happened already several times. What white people from Wypipostan, as Michael hysterically put it, need to come to terms with is giving the people who’ve saved them from themselves what they’re – what we’re - due and deserve for having done so. That account’s already past…
As a white woman, even I have no fucking idea what 60 percent of white female voters in Alabama were thinking. Thank you, black voters, for getting the job done.
Honestly, if this country is going to be saved from itself, it is going to be largely due to people of color.
This is all you need to know. Black women are the base of the Democratic Party. Despite voter suppression, black voters came out strong. I wish the Democratic Party would take the issue of voter suppression more seriously. Let’s hope we get something out of this. Jones did thank us in his victory speech and quoted…
This pretty clearly demonstrates that the Democratic Party in the Deep South needs to be directed by black voters for the interests of black voters. As a white male Democrat in a southern state, my opinion really should mean jack shit since there aren’t enough of me to matter anyway. Take my bleeding-heart ass for…
It’s not just America that thinks Alabama is a third world state...the international community does too. And it’s not so much that they ‘think’ that, it’s that they saw that when they visited:
As someone else who lives in Alabama, it is a third-world state, with metrics like education, infant mortality, and poverty placing it squarely in the company of many third-world nations, and I’m not sure where you’re missing the burnt necks and Confederate flags because I see them every single day, and I live in the…
Serious question: did you see the recent reports that representatives from the UN visited Alabama and made direct comparisons between the living conditions there and those in third world (aka developing) countries?
I welcome Democrats not taking their constituents for granted.
Sad part is in a lot of this country, being called a “Democrat” is only slightly better than being referred to as “an accused child molester”. .7% from the last voting report I saw.
It should never have been that close and fuck Sen. Cory Gardner for trying to get Jones to vote with the Republicans. Dude just got…
I feel like there are about 600,000 voters who need to be reminded that they cannot call themselves “family values” voters anymore.
Congratulations Alabama!
My rapist isn’t famous, but he’s fairly well-known in the broad circles I travel in, and if I publicly named him it sure as fuck wouldn’t be “the most wonderful day,” it would be terrifying and excruciating. I don’t know Allison Robicelli’s experiences, of course, but this seems like a weird thing to go in on him for…
I have always disliked Anthony Bourdain so it’s been weird being on his side so much lately.