
After Being Thrown from Horse, Roy Moore Arrested in Hospital on Sexual Assault Charges

I’ve literally sent it to 7 people so far and cannot stop laughing.

Seems appropriate - The horse is only 9 years old

Headline in alternate universe:

I’m having a hard time expressing how much I adore the title.

come on, please for the love of JC someone tell me a loud “Fuck You and the horse you rode in on ...” was heard throughout the land ...

As a political scientist: fuck Mark Halperin and his cult of “insider knowledge.”

I think we know why the women were rotated through quickly. Why no one ever thought, “Hey, maybe we should just replace the guy who’s the problem instead of the women who did nothing wron,” tells you how deeply ingrained misogyny is in everything.

Did anyone ever like Matt Lauer? He’s not charming or funny or even relatively handsome. I’ve always been confused why his job was so secure while the women on the show always came and went and were shuffled around.

Didn’t Trump also get the date of the 2016 election wrong at some point in his campaign? I don’t know if that’s better or worse than not knowing his own birthday

I am quite certain that these people probably never went out of their way to vote before. The nice thing about being rich in America (and most places) is that you can be fairly certain that no matter who is in power your interests will be protected. Moreover, the real way to influence policy is to be liberal with

That’s why the marching cry of the alt-right at Charlottesville was “You will not replace us.” (Alternated with “Jews will not replace us,” because fuck those asssholes, but still.) It’s the voice of their anxieties, their fear that ultimately their position of power is an accident of history and not due to their

I wouldn’t be surprised if part of the Reckoning is realizing that there was a lot of male deadweight sitting around. I think there was passion for the work of a few of these men, like Louis C.K., but I really don’t think that many people were all that enthused about Matt Lauer. Harvey Weinstein has been involved with

Thing is, that makes perfect sense in the incredibly dumb way that much of TV and Hollywood producing operates; (1) star does a good job on a show/movie and produces good ratings/box office, (2) star does it again, (3) producers, certain that star is the sole reason for all of this, demand that nothing ever change and

Honestly, I’m not surprised. He was a terrible interviewer who clearly didn’t do his homework on his subjects and the issues and he gave Trump a free pass on a lot of obvious bullshit. (Regarding that last bit, now we know why.) Even his fluffy news showed his annoying side.

Boy howdy, these guys make me feel secure about how we run our economy in general. Screams good investment instinct.

Sooooo, they paid many, many millions trying to keep (and shield) a man who kept them from rising in the ratings. Y’okay.

So much this!! This issue in & of itself isn’t going to mean a kid doesn’t get insurance, or that a middle class family will pay more in taxes. What it does mean is that the family currently in the WH has zero understanding of how to do a single thing right. And that they seemingly actually could not care less about

So the Trumps being bad at voting is one of those non-scandal scandals that doesn’t really affect policy in any way, and yet, it still manages to be an indictment of our eroding society in way that Obama’s “comparable” scandals weren’t (i.e. spicy mustard, tan suit, bowing to a robot). The first family not knowing how

Let’s be clear here, there’s as many different ideas on how to explore space at NASA as there are people who work there. Right now the group of people who believe in numerous, cheap, and robust missions using robotics and remote sensing are in the majority, and they’re right. 99% of the stuff we could learn on the