This. Also, the buried lede here is that yesterday’s action also defunds four major climate-observing satellite platforms. Because fuck climate, amirite?
This. Also, the buried lede here is that yesterday’s action also defunds four major climate-observing satellite platforms. Because fuck climate, amirite?
Here, I’ll help: you shouldn’t agree with this. The estimated cost of a manned mission to the Moon is $100B. That is more than five years of NASA budget. If you allocated them an extra $100B, NASA could fund every program on its Discovery, New Frontiers, and Flagship lists (including the longshot ones), put landers on…
My Hungarian great aunt is convinced of the same - about Serbians 😂 But yeah still less racist
He must also have an elderly Serbian grandmother (though she likes Jewish people because she thinks they’re all doctors).
I just assumed he was anti-Semitic anyways; it kind of goes with the hold “Christian zealot” thingee.
Because she thinks that adding the bit about their lawyer being “a Jew” makes them open minded and accepting. Like, “Look, we have this jew on our payroll! We can’t be that bad, right?!” So if we have “A Jew” in our lives, we must be good people, because it is natural to hate jews, yet we tolerate one.
Not just that I think it goes even deeper. With any minority you’re typically not seen as an individual but a member and representative of that minority. White people are given the luxury of not always being a representative of the larger group.
This ended the show?
Hitler had a Jewish doctor so I do believe you’re on to something there.
When I think of things Roy Moore is and isn’t, Anti-Semantic doesn’t even crack the top 10. I mean, he absolutely is, but there are at least 10 traits that top that.
It’s amazing that people still use the I have x friend excuse non ironically.
My elderly Serbian grandmother is convinced the Hungarians will come kill anyone and is less racist than this.
There are some things that I get when it comes to civic engagement (like that one little girl with freakishly encyclopedic knowledge of the presidents and the W puppet), but something about kids and pplitical activism always rubs me the wrong way.
What was the thought process here? If we show him with a little girl and he’s not molesting her that’s a win? I am..I just..can’t. The mind boggles.
Sometimes I think of myself almost a decade ago, so excited about Obama’s campaign. Then I try to imagine explaining 2017 to that woman. This is one of several times when words fail me.
It’s not that crafty.
Glad I’m not only one who suspected something like this.
A Fox News poll recently gave Democrat Doug Jones a stunning 10-point lead over Moore, while most others show Moore polling a few points ahead of Jones. Either way, that’s a whole lot of Alabamans who are fine with this.