
Honestly, my husband turns to me in situations like this because I am a Jedi at making customer service folks give me what I want. And sadly, you will not get anywhere if you try to be “nice” in this sort of situation. You have to 1) know your rights, 2) never back down, and 3) make them want to get rid of you as fast

Yeah, that’s the part that struck me, too: she said she had the kid strapped in “before the door closed,” while the airline claims she was noncompliant during “taxi to runway and safety briefing.” If the airline’s version is the correct one, doesn’t that mean they had to pull back to the gate to kick her (and her

oh I have no doubt about that. I’m not taking a flight with my kids solo to get a shining gold star for passenger of the year. I was silently cursing, sweating, and uncomfortable the whole time with anxiety and fear. I did the best I could by myself. I also understand that its no one else’s issue that I was flying

Yes... I can’t qwhite figure it out.

I’m glad she taped it - sounds like the airline is lying about the timeline.

Add Samuel L. Jackson just because?

A lot of the victims of airline abuse seem to have something in common... I can’t quite put my finger on it... if I think hard enough, I’m sure I’ll come up with the white answer.

Her allegations are as consistent as those of many women who have accused a wide range of men of harassment, and went a great deal further in court.

Trump and his ilk’s “whataboutism” is absolutely infuriating to me. I don’t allow my six year old to get away with that shit, I don’t know how he’s constantly allowed to get away with it. Why doesn’t anyone have the balls to nail him and them down on that garbage? I saw one reporter who did and Trump abruptly told him

i think that was part of it, but I also remember that viewing Clinton’s behavior toward Lewinsky as comical and trivial widespread and that dismissing his behavior toward Jones as a proposition rather than harassment was also fairly common. That part was a combination of sexual harassment being a relatively new

To be honest, other than partisanship, a big part of what discredited the Clinton accusations is that Republicans mixed insane conspiracy theories in with possibly legitimate concerns in such a way that it seemed like they themselves viewed both as equally valid. To put it another way- if birthers and 9/11 truthers

He seems to be getting worse at applying his denture fixative.

It got smothered under the mountains of money they’re getting paid to enact the wishes of the donor class.

Mitch McConnell won’t even bother printing out the press release to wipe his ass with it.

Perfectly said. Bill Clinton is not a good person! He was an excellent politician and at least wanted to do the greatest amount of good for the greatest amount of people (though I believe for completely self-serving reasons), but he’s pretty bottom of the barrel as far as morality goes. The one does not excuse the

I think the reason 45 has been so successful at reverse engineering politics is he knows in the same way elected republicans know there was never any moral compass to begin with. The morals angle has been window dressing for at least 5 decades.

You mean when Newt Gingrich was impeaching Clinton while cheating on his cancer ridden wife?

Trump will just fire back with some nonsense hateful diarrhea of the mouth and his hateful followers will buy it. He’s like Rasputin (Ras-puke-in maybe?)

Good for them, but we all know how he’ll respond: “BUT WHAT ABOUT BILL?!!”

Remember back when Republican politicians “cared” about the President’s sexual predations? I wonder what happened to all that indignation.