
In honor of our new Queen, I started watching Suits and borrowed the box set from my sister.

Alright, I have this contrived way of accessing pornhub. First I activate my browser’s “Private Browsing” function. Then I google pornhub from there.

I used to sit in as an observer on the Fisheries Management Council, and there were years and years and years where we were making progress on the right whales, the humpback whales, and many other marine creatures that form a crucial part of the ocean ecosystem, and need to be protected. Not anymore.

Because there is still a belief that all actresses did a porno at some point.

No matter whom els this may have happened to, it was apparent that it would never happen to Trump.

It feels hopeless. Creatures all along the ocean food chain are fading fast. How do we get the world leaders to focus and act on this?

John Kelly: the only guy in that entire wasteland of an “administration” who’s getting exactly what he deserves right now. Ring ring John! It’s him again! He wants to go golfing! Make it stop raining THIS MINUTE.

My aunt got tear gas in her eyes when she was trying to walk past the protests (in Beirut) to her work. She didn’t know what was happening, but fortunately some of the protesters saw her and helped escort her through. They were mostly young men in their 20s and 30s, mostly Palestinian refugees.

It is the will of some specific people, IE: the evangelicals that prop the adult baby up.

The people, by a margin of 3 million, voted for Clinton.

Just a heads up people: Jorni is a troll who started a new account so you can’t see their history.

Here’s a comment from their old account about August Ames suicide:

I already fell pray to this once because I am a dumb dumb but it won’t happen again I swear!

Please, please for the love of brie and a fine wine, no one bring out Jorni. This commenter has multiple burners that star and respond to their posts in an effort to try and bait an approved commenter to ungrey them. Then they go to all hell.

Oh man, I hope he goes full Henry Hill and rats out all the other pedo executives

That was fairly clearly meant in jest, as is the avclub way. Super classy, bro.

 And the countdown to her resignation (followed immediately by trump bragging about how he fired her over this because he’s the boss) begins.  

One thing I mentioned in the discussions we had in here (and I recommend the JJ reviews to everyone, Siede is in great form and the Disqus-era comments are still there) was the significance of Jones’ power, despite the fact that it’s inconsistent and she doesn’t really use it much. Men cannot physically intimidate

What? Jessica Jones gave us Hogarth who was awesome and I quite liked Malcolm.

I’m guessing they’re not gonna go down the route of Jess having had a crush on Peter in HS.

Let’s hope that Robyn just died offscreen in-between Seasons 1 and 2 because she was by far the worst character in the MCU. She both physically, emotionally, and possibly sexually abused her brother, needlessly put 5 people including herself in danger, is partially responsible for Hope’s suicide, and told Malcom to