Kate was an excellent writer here, and helped make Jezebel an informed and smart place. She never mocked or blasted commenters. She’d often respond to comments, and grew the community that is a part of what makes Jezebel great.
You’re really leaving to pursue your dream of appearing in the exotic carp calendar and the nude bbq calendar, full time. Live your dream Kate and we all look forward to seeing you, perhaps a lot more of you, down the road.
Well, this is sad. That women-with-sexy-moistened-fish calendar will never realize what it missed out on.
I can’t believe it - you’re a monument to this site and I’m very sorry you’re leaving. If I knew you IRL, I would be intimidated by you but secretly admiring because I appreciate a good no-bullshit person. Wishing you the very best in whatever you decide to do next.
We are all worse off for Kate leaving. But we were all better off while she was here! It’s like the tax bill, in that today we’re billionaires but tomorrow we become low wage-earners without health care coverage. And also no longer co-workers with Kate Dries.
Tillerson was awful. He’s been systematically dismantled the State Department for months, to the point where retired senior staff members have cried foul from the past three administrations have cried foul. Even top Republicans like Bob Corker are sick of this stuff, to the point where Corker admittedly recently that…
I figured Thor would just play the video of Nat for him again. Thor was on board with him not Hulking again, Banner was the one who decided to swan dive to faceplant to Hulk out there at the end. I felt it was fine because he chose it.
They already had some practice with this during CA:Civil War and did a fairly good job, so I have faith that they can manage it a second time around, especially since it’s the same directing team. Obviously, not everyone’s going to get the same amount of screen time, but that’s fine.
Yeah, if you haven’t seen Thor: Ragnarok yet, this trailer contains one hell of a spoiler.
Is that Thor wearing an eyepatch? Also, I’m not sure how 30 superheroes can be crammed into one film but I’m excited to watch. I’ve only seen about half of the Marvel movies so I hope I won’t be confused as hell about what’s going on.
I know everyone here hates Chris Pratt, but the Guardians movies have been my absolute favorites of the MCU (I cried all three times I saw GotG2 in theaters), and I squealed out loud at the end of this trailer.
I’ma say it: I think Chris Evans looks better with a beard. I like a man with a beard, though. Not a hipster beard, just a normal one. Come at me.
That angry grape dude seems really, really mean. But I like his aesthetic for glowy, shiny rubies.