
Don’t forget Jeff Bridges said we needed to support him too.

There is a new app, reported on The Root a few weeks ago, that helps you find verified PoC owned businesses in your area. I think that your idea is a lovely idea. Washington’s birthday, Jefferson’s birthday and Ugh! Columbus Day would also be some solid choices for shopping only at businesses owned by PoC.

I hope Ivanka is as desperate for celebrity approval as I think she is. I’m certain it kills Trump that he is not in favour at all with Hollywood (at least not publicly anyway, I’m looking at you Pratt*) and especially in comparison with Obama.

Our family celebrates Buy Nothing Day on Black Friday, but maybe we should get a holiday going whereby, on Black Friday, we shop at POC-owned businesses. Thoughts?

Tiger Woods will probably rue the day he was born..Trump is known for making up his own rules on the golf course.

I feel compelled to point out that Egypt is not on the list of countries in the travel ban.....

After Turkey call I will be heading over to Trump National Golf Club, Jupiter, to play golf (quickly) with Tiger Woods and Dustin Johnson.

My siblings behave similarly, as far as standing by and doing nothing when the storm comes my way. I’ve also noticed, due to me being the designated scapegoat for the family especially by my mother, that when my mother starts chaos and drama just in general at family gatherings, my siblings automatically start

Yeah, I definitely let them know that ‘I didn’t know what to do so I did nothing’ is unacceptable. I’m 35. My sister is 31 and our brother will be 26 at Christmas. My sister has a 7yo and is preggo with another one, my brother and his wife are TTC right now. At no point would they stand by if a child was being

Also, they sound real dumb for flying to America to shop during Thanksgiving/Black Friday.

Oh, that’s shitty. We’re adults, and that means they ought to be taking more responsibility for how they haven’t shut it down. It sounds like you’re doing some really awesome shit with your life, and hopefully next Thanksgiving goes better, even if you decide that you spend it with your mother. And congrats on your

Oh Semilla, what they did is NOT okay. I’m sorry you put all that effort into making them welcome, especially when pregnant (when I essentially just growled at anyone who asked me to do more than bathe myself), and they just used you as a base of operations for their shopping spree. Lame!

Oh, I’m so sorry. I understand wanting your family to be there for you, both for the holiday and as you prepare for your new baby. And especially your mom! She really dropped the ball there. But congratulations on your new baby; I’m sure you’re going to be a really great mom.

My husband observed the other day that we’re basically an oil company that has an army.

Can I hijack your comment a little while I commiserate? My family came from another country. It was their first Thanksgiving. I tried to make it really nice and teach them about the holiday. They could not care less. Their plane landed on Sunday but Monday morning they drove to a bigger city near mine to go to the

I’ve been thinking lately they should change the stars on the american flag to dollar signs. This country pretends to care about family, children in particular. It doesn’t. Money is the one true god. I don’t know why some companies even pretend to care about their employees anymore.

I’m so sorry. It sucks, but it will get better.

I have never shopped Black Friday, and it’s unlikely I’ll start now.

I could really use some love right now. My husband just told me that he wasn’t willing to try on our marriage. We’re ending.