
She’s ‘in Paris’ right now for Thanksgiving, at that.


I just can’t with Reese or her clothing line...both seem phony and pretentious...

She doesn’t even walk unless she has to.

Anyone else surprised that the Hilton’s table doesn’t look, well...nicer? I mean, they have eleventy billion dollars and their dining room looks like that?

Haaa! Don’t you love when it’s that easy?

You can do it! Remember, fear is a messenger but the message isn’t always accurate.

When I first started eating meat again I didn’t know how to break it to my husband.

Hey Jezzies,

As posted elsewhere, Willow and Amy wish you a happy Thanksgiving. I’m drunk AF and making s’mores RN:

That’s where she learned to cut a bitch. Then seal the wound with glitter glue.

I’m a former vegetarian - 20 years - and most of my animal loving college friends who I still see online, have no idea I’m now eating meat. And I don’t know how to break it to them. Not that I’d ever go back though, adding beef to my diet was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I do have occasional guilt. I’ve

Prison will do that to you.

I’m certainly hoping the state is the one to dispose of Manson’s remains but even a mass grave with the ashes of other unclaimed people is much too good for him. They should scatter his ashes over the city dump, set fire to the box that held them and let that be the end of it.

Yup, I say give his corpse to the Seals and dump him where they dumped BinLaden.

They buried Osama bin Laden’s body at sea so nobody could pay homage to him at a graveside. Why not do the same for Manson?


OK, this is going to sound weird maybe. Maybe the state (or whatever) should step in on this one? This guy was awful, then Notorious - like in a big cult-following way. If his remains were released to his gs (into the ‘wild’ as it were) who knows what-all might happen to them. Do we really want an unintended “Manson

“We will not sit back & let them throw Mr. Manson away like trash,”

“His whole life he lived with the pain of feeling unclaimed.”