
I am an agnostic who only gets god vibes in selfish situations (“please god let this stray dog have a microchip). But if I’m wrong, and there’s a lord baby jesus on high son of our lady of the miracle potato chip face then I hope that all these spiteful Trumptwats (tea partiers, christian capitalists, racists, bigots,


Normally, Meghan has impeccable taste. Reese’s Pieces, however, are VILE.

As far as the 36 female Franken-supporting staffers (say that 5x fast), isn’t it likely that most of them wouldn’t be current workers there, especially if they worked with Franken way back when?

55 year old men who do that are not neophytes. That pose spoke to his worldview, and you bet your ass it was a power trip. That photo was meant to humiliate her. Did you not read the original article and her account?

Speaking of the music industry, every time I hear that Kesha song “Praying,” I think shit, that poor girl was out there all on her own in 2014 when she accused (not) Dr. Luke of sexual assault and she had to go it alone and lost money, time and a chunk of her career. Although I am a sucker for overwrought ballads, I

What the Saudis & Emiratis are doing to Yemen is vile and reprehensible:

But just imagine the section he would’ve dedicated to Steve Bannon alone.

What a weird time to be an American, period. To have our way of life disrupted by an ego maniac reality TV persona whose sole purpose in life is to tweet obscenities. That’s what you meant to say, right?

I’m weirdly fascinated by this story lol. Rich people brawling over lawn clippings? It’s so the epitome of upper class absurdity that it should be satire.

“I really hope there are key people in the military who would be willing to refuse the orders of the duly elected civilian leader of the country.”

GQ went to Bowling Green and didn’t even stop to pay tribute to the victims of the Bowling Green Massacre! Fucking liberal media.

Well I’m very happy to hear that about Lush. I never shop there, but a friend bought me a bath bomb and when it broke up all sparkly, I got mega plastic guilt. But the bomb was so glorious. Now I can buy more.

I have this tiny little baggie filled with “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” glitter meant to be placed in a card so they scatter when the card is opened. I cannot imagine what possessed me to buy them. They follow me. They haunt me. I have no occasion to use them (why would I want to increase someone’s vacuum duties?).

Damn that photo is full of really nice mermaid hair.

Demi made an excellent use of her +1 by inviting Danica Roem.

God damn it, sweetie, you CAN become president someday! *crying*

He pretty much walked right into that one;)

Okay that’s all well and good and stuff but are y’all gonna write an article about Danica Roem attending as Demi Lovato’s +1 last night cause I got to tell you I saw their picture on the red carpet and I was the opposite of cringing, had tears in my eyes. Especially after watching the Broadly special on her win and