
I think several things came together to legitimately make the murders infamous in their day and to stick around in people’s memories. Firstly, there was the incredibly grisly and barbaric nature of what they did, particularly to Sharon Tate, who was the most famous person killed. Secondly it was the behavior of the

Good riddence Chuck. People like you are why Hell should be a real place.

All signs point to him not believing it at all, and the Tate murders being a petty revenge - not on her, but on the previous occupant of the house, a record executive who’d rejected him. Helter Skelter was just how he justified it to his followers.

I can never decide if I believe he legit believed in Helter Skelter, or if he was just a massive troll who liked telling people shit and making people do shit just for lulz.

Today is my birthday, and I’m pretty chill about the fact that it is shared with this event. 🎉

Didn’t he recently get married? Hopefully he’ll end up buried anonymously in a prison cemetery and not in a damn shrine, but I’m not hopeful about America’s odds to NOT lionize him right now... I already had a coworker see the news tonight and wonder what he did so bad, since it’s not like he put his hands on anyone

I was thinking how strange it is, how the murder of eight people engineered by a fuck-crazy white dude was SUCH A BIG DEAL while (presently) the regular slaughter of people by random angry white dudes barely gets a blink. Manson has been an infamous legend for those 8 murders for over 40 years. I’ll bet most Americans


On a flight to Prague, producer Shelly Clippard says that Ratner made sexually explicit comments and showed her nude photos of his then-girlfriend.

Not every drunk/high musician is going to be able to tell the difference between a willing groupie who’s there for sex and a not-so-willing fan who’s just there for an autograph.

I was watching some doc on Netflix the other day (Feel Rich?) and they interviewed Simmons extensively and, I gotta say, a massively rich and powerful man talking about how enlightened and non-materialistic he is, not like materialistic Joe Schmoes was a little, uh, rich.

Apparently not e-fucking-nuff of them. One of my buddies, a man I thought was ... not like this ... posted this today. I’ve been going back and forth with him all day trying to spell out all that is wrong with this but I am sick of being patient now and ready to unfriend his ass.

I am going to soak my brain in laundry detergent for a little bit.

And then there’s this:

eeeeeeeeeeexactly. “I’m a powerful man in the music industry, what can I possibly do to address this issue?”

Actress Keri Claussen Khalighi tells the Los Angeles Times that in 1991, when she was 17, Simmons forced oral sex on her while she begged Ratner for help as he watched. She claims now that last year, Simmons apologized in person.

Ah, well there’s nothing I can do. I only cast, pick, direct....

Russel Started dating Kimora when she was underage so yeah not shocking. Hollywood should just kick all men out of powerful positions and replace them with women especially women of color. Let’s scrap Everyman and start over.

Russell Simmons is a shitburger. In my Rock History (easy A) class the other day, we were watching a film about the rise of hip-hop and in a segment discussing misogyny, Simmons is asked DIRECTLY about how videos treat women and he’s all “welllll I’m powerless, there’s nothing I can do!”