
First, though I know it’s useless, I have to say how sorry I am that you and your husband are going through this.

“Reminds me of when I was a loser...” is enough harshness for one post. :)

Well, to be fair witches are real (I’ve met them, they’re cool and they’ve led our Wiccan ceremonies) but when they were hunted i dare say the reason and consequence could not have been more different than now. Did I mention my favorite Wiccan priestess was threatened (and her newborn baby’s life was threatened) by

Oh god LW1.... The combination of you having zero relationship experience at 24, along with some exaggerated fantasy of your relationship with this guy, is creating some major non-existent drama in your head. You are friends with this guy and that’s it. On your end, you may be crushing. And he maybe is keeping you on

Counterpoint: if they were supposed to be flying training missions anyway, using the plane to draw a giant dick in the sky just adds some free entertainment.

Actually pretty solid advice.

Listen to how he talks about the women in his life. That’s how he’ll talk about you after the initial rush wears off.

I think this is a case for...

I can’t get images to embed for some reason, so please envision a Beavis and Butthead gif here.

Here’s your star, you bastard.

I cannot help it, I find badly-drawn penises to be HILARIOUS. I saw this on Deadspin and laughed my ass off. Even more so when I thought of the pearl-clutchers trying to shield their kid’s eyes from the “naughty cloud”.

Duly noted, but sometimes the lowest-hanging fruit is the sweetest.

Given that the Navy is filled with sea men, the penis seems legit.

I’m super hyped too!

It put me in a damn fine light! I’m living the dream baby!

I figure that even if ERP is our main focus, doesn’t mean that we aren’t still regular style RPers. I’d say that whenever we’re not in service the great majority of our time is spent advancing our characters stories in non erotic story telling.

all i’m reading rn is penis penis penis penis penis penis

What is a colloquialism? Is it sexist?

The only thing better than this article are the mansplainy comments. #blessyourheart
