
What I really wanted was an ending where you get saved by your coalition/friends. The whole series you’re going around collecting people and helping them be as best as they can be only for that to not matter in the end. Like the game is about being a “shepherd”, but your flock is meaningless outside of the ME2 ending.

That’s a lot of fun, but honestly the best DRM is just making an easily accessible product. Steam probably did more to hurt piracy than all DRM combined.

The game was literally being marketed as having a deep fashion system that relied on you combining pieces of one of the four primary styles to get a high cool score which would impact your options. None of that made it into the final game, they sold it as a game where fashion matters and then fully failed to deliver

If they kill Sony’s Playstation division they can practically sunset Xbox and stop paying attention to consoles that way. The only thing Microsoft cares about is getting a monopoly, which will in turn let them start making all the money off game pass.

It’ll be interesting to see how this turns out. It seems like generally the easiest to access and implement solutions are the ones that get used, so as long as AMD succeeded there they’ll have a good shot even with an inferior end result.

I’m sure most people already know this, but to write down the obvious:

The weirdest part to me is that neither his hands or his head even get close to the table? Like what was he supposed to be doing? Preparing and snorting a line off the rim of that drinks bowl?

3 is definitely not the best. It has the most solid combat of the trilogy, but because it has to pick up and solve all the crazy plot and subplots spawned by the first two games(which really didn’t conclude anything themselves) it’s not a satisfying game to play. 80% of the game is you running around tying off loose

I meant in terms of the OS, there are a lot of stories about it being relatively lacking. I kind of expected them to have some impact on the sales, but I guess the only reason those exist is the same one stories like this one exist. Incredible demand/polularity. I suppose I let my self get convinced by niche coverage.

The fact that the EU and US are both actively looking to expand their own semiconductor production should be a pretty clear indication of how big of an issue this shortage is: New semi-conductor foundries come at billions a piece and won’t be a short term solution.

It sure sounds like they’ll stop participating, hiring him onto your team sounds like an easy way to disable 20% of the league. I doubt any teams will be willing to start shit like that, but boy would be fun if one of them was crazy enough to do it.

Judging by other companies in similar positions(tough more often fueled by investors than their own savings) you keep this going until you’ve cornered the market and can exploit your monopoly position. So until that happens epic will probably keep this going.

Revenue isn’t profit though? And as far as I can tell epic is still losing money on this. How is this different from other loss leader schemes where the goal is to take short term losses to ramp up revenue/cut into your opponents revenue?

Just have the game immediately overwrite/disable the save when you die. Pretty easy, what isn’t has easy is making save states in a procedurally generated map.

I’ve been crowing about this for a while, but yeah. It’s unfortunate that the capitalist implications of actions like these isn’t often discussed in these articles.

In a world where running at a loss in an attempt to achieve a monopoly so you can do whatever you want later is a common strategy (Netflix, Uber, Amazon*, etc.), it’s hard to trust big companies that can afford the loss doing stuff like this.

They contribute to the larger issues with crypto mining, which uses as much electricity as a country which is real bad for the environment. And it also fuels a demand for graphics cards which in turn exacerbates the current microchip shortage which effects everything from the production of life saving medical

Yeah, this would just be a second generation of tulip mania if not for the environmental damage/impact on the chip shortage that’s now also putting pressure on medical equipment manufacturers.

Yahoo reports that other pieces from the drop, like “Hummingbird in my metaverse” and “Legend of love” have brought in a total of $220,000 in sales for Hilton, while bidding for “Iconic Crypto Queen capped out at $1.1 million.

Yeah, trying to argue that monsterfuckers shouldn’t be attracted to certain characters by describing how those characters are monstrous is dumb on the most basic level. You’re describing features not bugs.