True, but isn’t this movie several years old? She would’ve been a minor at the time and she’s been working with Sia since she was eleven so..
True, but isn’t this movie several years old? She would’ve been a minor at the time and she’s been working with Sia since she was eleven so..
Not sure, but what makes this worse is that she has in multiple interviews said “how’s a good way I can keep her safe is I can keep making projects for her” which is weird and possessive, but also implies that she never intended the role to be for anyone else.
Too late to edit but imagine posting these 4 minutes appart and in that order?
I feel like this article got published too soon and is missing out on the backlash from disabled people and Sia kind of disintegrating on twitter.
Ubisoft turning into such a shitshow isn’t something I would’ve seen coming a decade ago, but somehow this development hasn’t been surprising at all. Its been a remarkably stable transition over the years.
“Do clothing physics really take so much power that no modern machine can handle it during gameplay? Is clipping such a power black hole that it cannot be done away with even as an option for the most powerful gpus available?”
judging by the article steven linked it seems like the shadows are busted and specifically those of movable objects flicker like a dying fluorescent lamps.
Honestly I’m not sure how much more rigorous DF really is. They do really well showcasing the framerate, resolution and graphical features, but I haven’t seen a graph showing highest, lowest and mean load times from them yet. Which is kind of what I want.
This is a nice article, but it reads like it’s a bit lacking in scientific rigor? It’d be more fun if you had tested every option a few times, because it sounds like in at least one case there might’ve been an unfair delay and its always nice to see if these load times are consistent.
The problem with MHW is that it’s a backwards compatible game and based on what we’ve seen those tend to retain their performance somehow? It also has twice the load times on the ps4 pro compared the one x, so the new gen hasn’t had muxh of an impact.(probably because both sides are still imitating their predecessors?)…
This would be interesting, I’d love to see quick resume compared to the PS5s card/task system. Both consoles let you bypass the main menu, but in very different ways.
I agree with everything you said, ME3 just felt like a big unearned victory lap to me. There’s barely any story beyond going around on a “this is the final game lets wrap things up” tour tying up loose ends that give you endgame points. And then you hit that final elevator ride and you figure out that the whole ending…
Based on what we know of how the PS5s compatibility modes work, the console can throttle itself to perform as identical as a ps4 pro as possible. Chances are that’s what’s happening in obviously under performing games. IDK about MHW, but digital Foundry speculates that that’s in effect with their original disc version …
Who knows how all of that works tbh, if you saw the video of dmc5 special edition the ingame loading is all under 10 seconds while start up seems to take 50+ purely because of the splash screens. I think that’s also why the gap between cross gen games like spiderman and back compat games is so large. The older games…
This is a good point so far polling has only been off with cheetoman at the top of the ticket. If he gets too caught up in his own bullshit to get his base to turn out democrats might have a chance if they keep the campaigns going.
Very true, but one difference is that the digital edition of the ps5 doesn’t have less space, so you don’t have the issue of having 440~gb less space(series S vs X) with no way to make up that gap without also putting you over the series x price.
Unfortunately not quite as long as Canal Time, but this video of a very high load being transported through the Netherlands should keep you watching for a little while.
I feel like he was never going to win this case, even if amber did all the instigating it’s almost unproveable with how violent things got that he never laid a hand on her. So the descriptor of “wife beater” would’ve been accurate enough almost no matter what.
Why would you want to kill beetles? Don’t you wind up with awful stains if you smash them? Also gas/poison probably works fine, just because it’s tough doesn’t meant it’s airtight.
Yeah, especially the girl looks like she’s just one step above being an unnamed npc. Hopefully there’ll be other women that do look cool, or maybe she’ll get a better outfit later on. And who knows, maybe she’ll be awesome despite the outfit and the plain adjectives in that description.