
That depends on the game, some games are built around their framerates and will break when accelerated. That’s the main caveat that sony has kept reiterating, they’re not actively making a more compatible version of the games. I’ve heard no mention of performance improvements.

It’s repackaged blood libel and nothing more, just because they replaced drinking blood with sexual abuse doesn’t mean that it isn’t the same shit all over again.

Not sure if this is a meme or just and excellent Idea, but I would pay good money for a TV series like that. Featuring an Alien landing on earth, generating ridiculous documents and somehow winding up a detective because everyone around them just blankly accepts whatever they produce. Then the rest of the show is just

So much this. S gets used for high end stuff pretty often in electronics, but X? That’s really only common in gaming related electronics. And in cars S is more often the one used for luxury sedans while X is more often relegated to utility vehicles like Tesla’s SUV and Mercedes’ pickup trucks.

I’m honestly pretty exited for this, their previous future of gaming showcase was put together really well. I hope they’ll be able to match it with this one and judging by the video they might be attempting it.

Not sure if that one holds up, as the gap for the disk slot in the Series X is a bit recessed and looks wider than the disk slot itself. Still, it’s not off by that much. The PS5 is a big boy, it’s almost old school DVD player/receiver sized.

Honestly i was mostly complaining about the name Series and how it makes those suffixes worse. But giving them two distinct names doesn’t hurt either? People will still see the prices(and the specs if the boxes are well made). And I’m not sure how many people use X as a signifier for higher quality? I think I’ve seen

I KNEW there was a FF character out there with that name, but I couldn’t remember which one. Thank for bringing her up lol.

I can’t believe they threw a name as good as lockhart in the trash for this. Possible JK Rowling lawsuit notwithstanding it would’ve been so much better. Like 360 was also pretty out there, but at least it was distinctive?

It was, I guess it’s possible they used it more as an indicator for demand than a way to fully fund development.

That actually makes me wonder, does voice acting have blind auditions? Because that’s how classical music solved some of it’s racism/sexism problems, and since it’s just about the voice it could work right?

The one thing third person can’t do is deal with actually* narrow hallways and low ceilings. And that’s why it’s used in this game and Cyberpunk, they want to give you that more closed in, seedy urban feeling. You can’t really do that in 3rd person without some real sacrifices like janky camera movements or a very

There’s dark themes and there’s tying the ongoing real life persecution of certain minorities to fictional characters/factions. Let’s not pretend that White Wolf didn’t cross some very large lines before Paradox brought the hammer down.

This is such a weird and unexpected thing to see. At first I feared that it might have something to do with Paradox cleaning house at White Wolf, but that happened back in 2018. So it seems unlikely that this is still tied into somethin that seems to have already been resolved. Which means that this just being about

I’m really hoping that both of them work out and eventually all the blogs start up again on their own as G/O media dies. The current owners have no interest in maintaining these sites so unless some crazy angel investor shows up there’s not much use in staying here.

Really? Interesting. Maybe it’s because I effectively stopped playing the series after 2 but the covenant look off to me. I remember them being a lot shinier and maybe even pearlescent. Same goes for master chief to a lesser degree, he used to be a pretty shiny boy iirc. The whole game looks weirdly generic to me

As someone who pretty definitively switched to Sony with the PS3, I feel kind of bad laughing at this, but this is great. They really captured the feeling of a classic game in a way that Infinite didn’t.

I feel like you’d need to go big enough to take out the entire neighbourhood or risk covering everything in irradiated shit.

I’m not fully up to date about all the marketing wank surrounding the PS5, just the presentation Cerny gave earlier this year. So I figured I’d rewatch it to make sure I didn’t misremember. During it he says: “there are no load screens, the game just fades down while loading a half dozen gigabytes and fades back up

Now playing

You’re overstating how long the load takes, the entire animation takes ten seconds(from interacting with the portal to being on the other side), but the static loading screen itself makes up only about 4 seconds of that time. A bit longer than the one shown during the ratchet and clank demo, but I doubt astrobot is