Uuuhh! NO! No! No! Yal! Let England have their garbage back
Uuuhh! NO! No! No! Yal! Let England have their garbage back
I’m hoping this fucks up Lady Gaga’s chances at an Oscar this year, seeing as how she not only collaborated on a song with him a couple of years ago, but also made a video with him and Terry Richardson that was so fucking creepy her own people were like “honey no we cannot put this out there”, AND THEN had the…
I think that ties into #8. You hear a lot of “couldn’t be me” when something happens. After the Kavanaugh hearings, I was watching a panel of people on CNN who were asked what they thought and one woman said she 100% believed Christine Blasey Ford. Another woman who did not believe Dr. Ford was like, well, I know if I…
This entire thing is sad and shows that we don’t value black women and girls like we think we should. I have had to unfollow and unfriend some people behind this.
I think anyone who wants to understand this needs to be real about the extent to which men of color are complicit with white men and women in wanting to prioritize the lives and health of men of color over those of WOC.
I could see this as the reason. The other alternative....that black folks are trying to stick up for R.Kelly and slide over their dollars to him in support BECAUSE of his harm to black women...is a reality I would like to hope we do not live in.
Maybe this will light a fire under the authorities and maybe if won’t. The question is whether anyone can document crimes outside of Chicago and Atlanta — somewhere he doesn’t have it in with the local government.
R. Kelly can go fuck himself. I hope he will finally receive the punishment he deserves.
Aside from the misdirection with Rick’s death and bullshit marketing they’ve been using... I didn’t hate it. As the first episode I’ve watched since Glenn died I was surprisingly invested. The idea of a six or so year time jump is also really smart. Doesn’t quite wash away the sour taste of Rick being kept alive for a…
Damn, I thought this was an A episode—full of surprises, and clever in its bringing together divergent plot lines. I haven’t enjoyed the show this much in years. And I’m glad Rick is still alive (even though weeks of promos all but promised he would die).
Think he’s actually back from... wherever he was, or is he just in a different corner of it?
Sorry, Kanye. The sight of you EMBRACING the man who refuses to disavow groups that advocate racial and religious genocide is forever etched on our consciousness. Do some “free thinking” about that. Let us know the outcome.
Eulogy attacking black women and how problematic it is could be a thesis. Williams’ wouldn’t be half the pastor he is without the women in his congregation. Starting from the first lady, to the church mothers, to the church secretary and office workers in a mega church, to the ushers, to the choir, praise dancers, the…
Ugh! This type of shit is why I stopped going to church. Too many damn pimps in the pulpit.
Shots fired! Justifiably.
To expound on points 5, 8 and 9 (optics of black church strong on lecherous, decrepit male leadership and short on male soldiers in the Lord’s army in the pews; professionalism and punctiliousness of gospel artist performers; Chernobyl toxic eulogy by Rev. Jasper Williams)....
The good Minister seem to enjoy all of that good gospel music, although I don’t know why he sat up on the pulpit either.
Ironically, many of the people moving into DC are themselves refugees from cities with even higher rent, aren’t they?
The way they’re using gentrification now is akin to forced eviction.