It shouldn’t be a problem if we did, right? I mean, it’s not like you have a job and a family and a life here, so why not just make you pack up and leave? Oh wait…
PEOPLE ARE NOT ILLEGAL. Being a human being and existing in a certain place is not fucking illegal. If you had any clue what it’s like for people to flee their homes and move to a place simply for a decent future for themselves and their children, but every day live in fear of being jailed and deported, you would shut…
This comment makes zero sense. Are you suggesting that illegal aliens haven’t broken the law? Or that there have never been situations in the past in which law enforce require legal identification?
Once you have the concentration ca...uhh...detention facilities set up and running, just gets easier to find reasons to use them. If you run out of one group, you can always find another.
oh for fucks sake, this is disheartening. I can’t imagine the terror that undocumented immigrants must be feeling right now. As if life isn’t already difficult enough for them here, now they have to look over their shoulders every second.
no such thing as “white” or “black” people, that is a trigger word designed to serprate you from other humans as well as seprate you from yourself! if you say ur from “europe” now we can talk/communicate, of course it would force the “white” person to come to terms within themselves by accknowledging they are in fact…
lol, the most simplistic lie to tell is the easiest one to belive! Like a father would force his son to not see the game, only a “old world” human would do that! must be a facists tactic to confuse people!
Maybe its because she is a facist? she loves confusion and confusing her supportors, thats what facist do? the merger between the corporation and the state=fasicm=hillary, she wants so bad to be a 1%. How does a human go from making, a few hundred thousands dollors a year, to making 29 million, ill tell ya, FACISM!!!!…
Hillary supporters are the “fox” news watchers of the democratic party! They are zombie voters, underdeveloped, highly progandized humans that are confused by “facists” humans like hillary clinton! Clinton is a facists, which means she likes confusion, because she herself is confused, she is so focused on…
Hillary supporters are the “fox” news watchers of the democratic party! They are zombie voters, underdeveloped, highly progandized humans that are confused by “facists” humans like hillary clinton! Clinton is a facists, which means she likes confusion, because she herself is confused, she is so focused on…
hillary supportes and voters are “zombie” voters, or the fox news people of the “democrats”, they can not have an honest conversation abou the rality of politics and the elections, with-out realizing how underdeveloped intellectually they are! Dosent mean they dont have a right to vote, or express themesleves…
So she will have a bunch of White men and women. Whoppie. Lets hope she has about 20% latino, 15% black, with some asian and Native American representation. That would represent America. Not a bunch of white men and women.
“Hillary Clinton Promises That Half of Her Cabinet Will Be Women”
Looks like women are falling for the same symbolism bullshit we black folks fell for with Obama. Don’t be surprised if those women she chooses are rich white Wall-Street women that don’t give a shit about the average American woman...but yeah SYMBOLISM brought to you by Goldman Sachs!
Every chance she gets to demonstrate that she understands social issues underlying inequality in the USA she screws the pooch. This will address the symptoms of sexism but the disease is a mind set nit a number or ratio. And this is sad because we know things like this only set back the mindset (I’m looking at you…
““Well, I am going to have a Cabinet that looks like America, and 50 percent of America is women.”
Can we ask her if she will make Trudeau’s other pledge of legalizing weed next year?