
This is whats called “distraction conversation”, a tactic used by highly facists humans to cause other facists humans to debate meaningless “stuff” while the facists in charge goes on to exploit , confuse and abuse the human population.

excellent point!!!! 2 thumbs up!!!!

lol, aint that the truth.....

no such thing as “white” or “black” people, that is a trigger word designed to serprate you from other humans as well as seprate you from yourself! if you say ur from “europe” now we can talk/communicate, of course it would force the “white” person to come to terms within themselves by accknowledging they are in fact

no need for a coup, let the demograhics play out? “old world” humans are being diluted out of the “new world” by new world blood, nican tlacca, 1st nations peoples, native americans, mexicans, chicanos, latinos, mestizos, bi-racial people and the old world human that belives in the new orld way of life. this will

all the presidents ahve been “OLD WORLD” HUMANS. This is not an accident!!! barack “buffalo solider” obama, is fighting along side “white surpremacists” in the “win for america” that is bob marley’s song!!!! they would like to contuine to “keep” the ocupying force by “employing” “buffalo soilders” by allowing them

Hillary is the perfect canidate to expose the “illegal” occupying system for what it is! she will do more to change the “system” by exposing what kind of human she and her supports represent(facism), which should allow for much faster transformation towards a non-euro-centric/old world



your on the inside and need to be a whistler blower, the concept of land “ownership” is a “old wold” concept use to justify violence(i “owe” this toy says the child) or in the case of an adult, I “own” this land, and will use violence to en-force my false belief in “ownship”. sending park rangers/ through the use of

superficial at its best, underdeveloped humans falling victum to the “facists” old wolrd human being using race, or group think to exploit humans! Old word “insittuionaliztion” of human minds, like a prisoner, they cant function with out the “institution”, either they are “instituionalized” into the

Facists love to confuse and distract. This is a distraction tactic, to get people off the real subject. Who is Hillary clinton? Is hillary clinton the bush family of the democracts? Are the clintons and her supportors the fox news people of the democractic party? Does bernis tand for a “new world” party, based on new

Fact canada is an “illegal” occupying force of “old world” humans that brought disease and violence to the “new world”! New world population are re-bounding(nican tlacca, 1st nations peoples, native americans, mexicans, chicnos, latinos, mestizos, bi-racial, and anyone that belives in “new world” phillosphy!!!!! Old

lol, the most simplistic lie to tell is the easiest one to belive! Like a father would force his son to not see the game, only a “old world” human would do that! must be a facists tactic to confuse people!

Maybe its because she is a facist? she loves confusion and confusing her supportors, thats what facist do? the merger between the corporation and the state=fasicm=hillary, she wants so bad to be a 1%. How does a human go from making, a few hundred thousands dollors a year, to making 29 million, ill tell ya, FACISM!!!!

Hillary supporters are the “fox” news watchers of the democratic party! They are zombie voters, underdeveloped, highly progandized humans that are confused by “facists” humans like hillary clinton! Clinton is a facists, which means she likes confusion, because she herself is confused, she is so focused on

Hillary supporters are the “fox” news watchers of the democratic party! They are zombie voters, underdeveloped, highly progandized humans that are confused by “facists” humans like hillary clinton! Clinton is a facists, which means she likes confusion, because she herself is confused, she is so focused on

hillary supportes and voters are “zombie” voters, or the fox news people of the “democrats”, they can not have an honest conversation abou the rality of politics and the elections, with-out realizing how underdeveloped intellectually they are! Dosent mean they dont have a right to vote, or express themesleves