If you or someone you know is struggling with domestic violence, call the national domestic abuse hotline at 1-800-799-3224
If you or someone you know is struggling with domestic violence, call the national domestic abuse hotline at 1-800-799-3224
Tzitzits on her tits
I assume there are going to be other episodes where she’s nude except for a pope hat and nude except for a yarmulke. I mean why stop with being offensive to just one religion?
I like him okay. I was excited when he won (both times) and like some of what he has done. Some things are unforgivable though. He continues to be ok with the government illegally spying on us. He orders drone strikes to assassinate people who are not proven to have done anything, including a U.S. citizen. And he has…
I don’t know why, but it makes me so angry when republicans like Star Trek. Like...it totally goes against like 95% of your views. Hearing them try to warp the show around their views is rage inducing. “lol dur, well you see, kirk fought justice. Like us! We fight to keep segregation, women at home bearing kids, fight…
He’s awful! How could you watch TOS and decide Kirk was a Republican???
See my immediate feeling was “GET OUT OF MY FANDOM, TED CRUZ”
It wasn’t enough to be wrong about everything on Earth, so Ted Cruz dragged the Federation into it.
That’s what I’m hoping for. Nabokov never wanted you to sympathize with or like HH. It was clear he was an awful person and an unreliable narrator. Along with the beautiful way it was written, that’s what makes the book so brilliant.
To me, it was clear she was talking about Wrecking Ball, the Miley Cyrus video which won Video of the Year last year. There was a lot of talk when Minaj’s video came out because it beat Cyrus’s view count in 24 hours, and it clearly reached the same popularity. Something just as naked-ish but with black women, which…
I guess Russia never heard about THE FIRST AMENDMENT!!
25 is not a child, and I’m getting tired of people continuing to imply that (white) women in their mid twenties are not responsible for anything they do. Taylor is an adult, she has all of the resources in the world to pursue an education, or god forbid read a book. This girl is four years older than me, so no she…
And dear sweet TayTay: if you want to discuss women sticking together that’s fine, but first let’s talk about your playground fight with Katy Perry and your girl gang Bad Blood video, mmmkay?
Are we all the way sure that her tweet was a “jab” at Swift? Because it could have been a jab in the general direction of the industry as last year’s VMA video of the year winner was a slim white body swinging on a wrecking ball. IJS
I cannot stand it when white women use “women should stick together” to dismiss women of color’s complaints of racism. It’s just like when men of color dismiss women of color’s concerns about sexism because such discussions supposedly aid white supremacy. This is why total and complete intersectionality is important.
i love this.