newt ripley

I’m from Chillicothe; I knew Tiffany and Charlotte from high school. People have their opinions of the town—I even agree with a lot of them. It breaks my heart, though, to hear the constant narrative of “Yeah, it’s such a tragedy, but they were drug-using prostitutes. The town’s riddled with poverty, what do you

I still like Hannibal.

I’m with you on this!

As a mentally ill person I want to bake this woman an amazing cake. This man is not mentally ill, and that would just be a way for Fox and even progressive outlets to ignore the changes and evolution that has occurred in American racism.

It’s self-preservation if nothing else. I wouldn’t want to be the woman who had to break off an engagement to Sean Penn’s face after his track record.

Ask and ye shall receive.

You know what would make me forgive GQ for this? If they shot an identical version with Taylor Kitsch straddling Colin Ferrell.

I often wonder where we would be if after the civil war (or the Jim Crow era, for that matter) we’d taken the same approach Germany did after WWII and treated white-on-black racism like an infestation that needed to be eradicated, instead of an unfortunate but inevitable reality. Or if we had banned the symbols of the

We’ve all become far too tolerant of that fucking flag. They have the right to wear it and dangle it from their homes and trucks, but I have the right to call all of them either fools or traitors for glorifying it.

And people are still blaming what happened to those innocent people on mental illness. White people must be humanized at all costs. Notice that when the police found him, they gave him a vest and didn’t handcuff him. The life of a white man who kills black people has value but the life of a black child who holds a


This. I’m white. I’m from Georgia. White men in groups scare me more than anything else in this universe.

You rape our women and you’re taking over our country. And you have to go

Listen...I am tired.

Look, I love Bernie Sanders, guys. He’s just the right level of socialist. But he’s not going to get the nomination, and even if he did, he can’t win overall. Period. It’s all just a beautiful pipe dream. If you’re a liberal, just get behind Hillary, please, the same way I (eventually) got behind Obama last time.

i honestly made such a good life choice when i spent two minutes making this on paint

Kara Brown’s alleged parents provided this photo to us for the totally reasonable price of $50,000 USD.

All 700 of the Duggars (or however many there are) and the rest of their kooky cult prayed and prayed to God for a worthy distraction from all the news about Josh’s molestation charges/not charges and child abuse. And God saw Michelle’s empty, vapid stare and smiled.