newt ripley

Something very interesting I noticed the second time round: the first time he grabs her, she pushes him off. Then he’s angry at her for showing him up, and he goes to grab her behind in revenge, in order to put her in her place. Such a great demonstration that the men that perpetrate these acts of sexual assault


Sadly it’s not even close for me. I once did a postpartum home visit to find that the infant had died several days before but the mother was still bathing and dressing the little body and frantic because “She just won’t eat.” I suspect this will turn out to be something similar. Grief can do some powerfully tragic

WHAT? My fictional superhero from a comic book created out of pure fantasy is a black guy? Next thing you’re gonna tell me is Jesus wasn’t a white dude from the Middle East!!

“This happened when they were making The Hobbit. They needed to cast background actors, specifically background hobbits.

Maybe I’m just super naive, having never lived in the Deep South (and only lived in the US for part of my life), but I was actually surprised by the extent of the corruption and absence of the rule of law in Dumfukistan. The part of the story where Jim Bob & Michelle just arranged to run out the statute of limitations

The judge did it at the victim’s request. Of course, the victim was probably one of the Duggar girls so it was probably pushed by the parents.

Yes. My town passed an anti-discrimination ordinance a few years ago that applied to LGBTs. The transgender individuals in public bathrooms issue got a lot of attention. I actually wrote a letter to the editor asking where all the concern was for girls molested and abused by straight men, because that's where the real

There’s a typo on the Jordin Sparks thing. It should read Jaaaassoooon duruuuuulo

I’m a cis woman. I have no fear, I mean 0 fear, of trans women. Never had, never will. Same goes for trans men and gay people of either gender. I am actively afraid, and will always be afraid, of stupid, hateful white Christian men. They have taught me to be, by my own experience. Fuck them and everyone like them.

Heartily agreed, and disgusted that this is what it took to finally get them off the air. I wonder when the world will finally make the connection between extreme right-wing views and abusive tendencies (including, but not limited to, the sexual). Judging by the number of “Only God can judge them!” comments I’ve seen,

^This. As much as I respect that the girls themselves may not wish to speak, or be named, it does frighten me that Josh and his parents only words about them is that they forgave him. As if they had any other choice. These girls were no more free to not forgive, and go back to sharing a home with him, then they were

What infuriates me the most is how ALL the “official” responses have focused on Josh & his “repentance”. How the fuck are the GIRLS doing? Besides asking forgiveness for tempting their brother (squick) & charting their ovulation so they can start breeding more cult members ASAP, that is.

This whole thing made me wonder- what do you do if you find out your kid has been molesting someone? And what if your kid is molesting your other kid!?

I’ve known parents who’ve reported it to child protective services. It’s really the minimum you are supposed to do. The child needs to be removed from the home so they don’t further victimize their sibling and often for underaged kids, they enter into multi-year residential treatment.

what do you do if you find out your kid has been molesting someone? And what if your kid is molesting your other kid!? Do you call the cops?

From the In Touch story:

Purity culture is a part of rape culture. I'm not shocked by this at all.