newt ripley

My sister and myself got this "procedure" inflicted upon us, which is misnomer let's stick with FGM, at least it captures the gravity of what is happening to these girls. We were In Somalia and my parents were out of the country, my grandmother took it upon herself to go against my parents wishes and to get it done.

I had whooping cough as a child in the 60s. I missed the entire first month of first grade, as my brothers, sisters and I were quarantined. My dad had to live with his parents for that month and deliver groceries to the front door. My mother was in our house for an entire month, with five sick children. (I always

I lost half my hearing to measles in 1963, when I was 8 years old. It was a few months before the vaccine became available. So I feel quite strongly that parents have a moral and ethical responsibility to have their children get the vaccine. (I would also support making it a legal responsibility — legislation to

in the uk (at least where i live and when i was in school) the measles mumps and rubella vaccine is given in school on the NHS and u don't opt out unless ur the weirdo crazy person or hyper religious which meant basically no one. vaccines are just what u do. we all know that our nanas and grandads had polio and shit.

I want a medical exemption from anti-vaxxers, as in they cannot be in the same multiverse as me because they make me ill.

Isn't it great that the underlying message behind all of it is "I would rather have my child dead than like you."?


You are very generous, go-go-chocobo. It doesn't cost a thing in most states. It's simply propaganda fueled by the Salem style hysteria over Autism. The MMR vaccine (measles, mumps, rubella) is the vaccine that many parents point to as the vaccine that coincided with their toddlers' sudden delays in speech and social

When the cops got there, Gaa at first denied making the comments, but in the process of doing so, this complete dumbshit started using racial slurs.

This times a motherfucking thousand. I know it is a spectrum, and life can not be easy for folks who are lower-functioning, but seriously?!? Autism is worse than murdering your own child or other people's children or elderly people?? Fucking cockbags, they make me so angry.

If aluminum, raw eggs, and dead fetuses will keep my asthmatic ass from getting pertussis, then sign me up. IDGAF.

Something tells me the conversation and reaction to all of this would be preeeetty different if the anti-vaxxers currently spreading horrible diseases around the country were poor and brown instead of rich and white. Instead of "personal belief exemptions" we'd have kids getting ripped from their parents by CPS,

There is no such thing as zero risk. I would rather risk the rare chance of a vaccine injury than the higher risk of contracting the actual disease. And I still say this AFTER getting Guillain Barré in October from my annual influenza vaccine!!! GBS was the most painful experience I have ever had and I still

Allowing people to be exempt from vaccination is like allowing people to be exempt from traffic laws. It puts everyone in greater danger, and it allows the reckless to refudiate their burden of responsibility onto everyone else.

This shit pisses me off so much. Though I've had my initial boosters, I am highly immunocompromized due to my various health issues. Something as small as the cold virus has turned into full out pneumonia for me. My aunt is as well, due to the fact that she had a kidney transplant in April of 2012 and is on

I have to say (as someone on the autism spectrum).

She said they ate well and had never been to the doctor, and she insisted that her daughter was healthier than many classmates.

Good on you. These child-endangering willfully-ignorant dolts deserve all they shame they've brought on themselves.

"Jim Crow" Seems appropriate.