China won’t nuke us, they’ll just collect on their debt. It’ll be more destructive.
China won’t nuke us, they’ll just collect on their debt. It’ll be more destructive.
Exactly, half the internet comments on articles anywhere outside of moderated places like Jez seem to have a different definition of racism where talking about race = racism and President Obama was apparently the worst racist with his “divisive” policies and speeches. They truly believe this.
Redemption requires atonement. Real atonement. As in making amends to all that you hurt and making sure you’re never in a position to sin again.
I’m on a boat! by The lonely island
There’s no indication here or on the signup page of what you’ll do with our email addresses so thanks but no thanks.
I’m forever surprised at how complex most bass lines are on some of my faves: apparently pop keeps it simple but memorable pop turns it up!
You’re gonna love this:
Only will be good if they’ve secretly cast M Lamar (Laverne’s twin brother and opera singer) to do supernatural male to female switches
“including his work as CEO of J/P Haitian relief org” Hahahahahaha
Are they going to boycott that shifty-looking tan-skinned socialist-sounding carpenter born to unwed parents?
Note to the folks fighting on this thread: please can we make a distinction between RAVISHING fantasies and RAPE fantasies.
Not stupid at all - I love it when TV shows actually do their research!
I’d just like to add that “pre-war fantasyland of whiteness” isn’t quite right. France has had people of colour living there for a lot longer than you’d think.
I was raised in multiple protestant denominations and our family always tithed 10%. Thinking back, I have no clue if other families did or just gave a sum they felt was OK, these were churches where the money went to paying volunteers for part of their work and charity work in the community: crèche/kindergarten,…
LA Sorbonne.
Yeah yeah yeah (the silly remix)
My grandfather is welsh and he used to be brown with an olive tint and jet black tight curly hair (before he got shock vitiligo) but we have no records past his parents despite our research. You never know really in britain: we’ve been invaded so many times and colonized a bunch of places and welcomed immigrants…
He hasn’t changed. He used his court mandated community service to jet to and fro to Haiti as a PR stunt hampering real aid efforts, google it.
fact 1/ Fetuses don’t get brains until the 6th month.