
He’s a step away from “can’t have inmates running the prison.”

Steve Young opted not to subject himself to being forced to play with a bad NFL team not of his choosing, instead signing a huge deal with a team in Los Angeles. Then when things went bad in Los Angeles, he negotiated a release from that contract so he could sign with a specific NFL team. It worked out well and he

Or when he bypassed the Tampa Bay Buccaneers’ mid-1980s morgue of an organization to sign for big bucks with the USFL. 

I read this, and a thought occurred to me:

How did he feel when Joe Montana demanded a trade out of San Francisco, finally cementing Young's starting role once and for all?

at least a dozen otherwise fine people who seem to have never flown before

Then white people (mostly white women) would never be allowed to fly again. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve walked down an aisle and passed bare feet in seats, on those fold up trays, or even propped up against a window.

The biggest problem in these scenarios is what the doctor realized: you are, at this point, completely at the mercy of the airline. You want to get home? Do what we say! What? Important business trip? Well then, guess you should cover up or you’ll miss it.

I’m sure she did what she had to do, and did it with dignity. Now her lawyer is taking care of the rest. 

She’s covered,not as covered as I would want to be on an airplane(hazmat suit) but she is covered enough to be appropriate in public. What a horrible thing to do to someone.

One of the very possible alternate endings if she decided to stand up for herself, is her being arrested and her child being taken by the authorities.

Stop policing black bodies and start kicking people off planes for showing up in their fucking pyjamas.

After she wrapped the blanket around her waist, she said, another flight attendant came up and warned her not to make a scene, despite the fact that she was deliberately behaving calmly to avoid escalating the situation.

Meanwhile white women get to do shit like this on planes.

Shouldn’t should be able to get a lawyer and easily when a lawsuit against them? How hard could it be to find video from the airports of all America Airlines terminals in the last month or so, maybe even in the last week, and find out how many non-black women, or whomever else, boarded a plane with 95% of their skin

This is ridiculous.

I wished airlines policed people with no shoes on the same way they dealt with this lady.

No bare feet, no stinky food, no perfume that’s trailing clouds of stank as you walk by...

I just don’t know how you get to offended. I’ve seen women of all pigments wearing outfits that make me either cheer their confidence or question their judgement, but it never occurs to me to have a reaction beyond, “Whoa” or “Ewww” and then going on with my day.

Insane. That outfit isn’t even revealing! I don’t care how naked someone is on a plane as long as they keep their bottoms on and don’t put their bare feet anywhere near me.