
Go away, Ivanka.

It’s a simple, clean design. Very evocative of Honda’s early (pre-Civic) hatchback.

Overstyled - precisely.  It's like nobody has seen a new Civic or Camry lately.  Wtf is up with all of the monsterous fake grills and edges.   I want them to bring back the DC2R and S2K.   That was Honda's glory period.

The Smart FourTwo EV has what, 60 miles of range? 120 is usable, 60 is difficult to live with unless you’re using it purely as a city car.

So many things wrong with your comment. “Lacking” styling is not a thing. This is called clean and simple, something that is becoming increasingly hard to find these days as everything gets a thousand nips and tucks to where most cars are a “trendy” design mess that will look distinctly 2010s in like one decade. Stuff

Yes but the iQ looked like it was a bad knockoff of the Smart. This is unique with a touch of retro style to it being reminiscent of the 600(?).

Easy. Better aerodynamics = better mileage. Although the counterpoint is more screens = more energy consumption. But mirrors are just so 50 years ago... though so is the styling. AHHHHH!

It’s because side-view mirrors create a very large amount of drag.

You’re wrong about this car and that’s OK.

So, video screens in the cockpit instead of door mirrors.

Yea pretty much everything you complained about is what I like about the car.

The IQ was also expensive for what it was...

Counterpoint: all of those cars looked ridiculous and I’m never ever going to buy something that looks like a freaking insect or egg or dorky glorified golf cart. Whereas this actually looks GOOD and is more reminiscent of the stuff Honda used to build and sell here in the early-mid ‘90s.

I wouldn’t have a moment’s hesitation. RWD? Check. Maneuverable? Check. Attractive? Check (beauty is in the eye of the beholder, anyhow). Fun colors? Check. Lightweight? Check. Balanced? Check. Affordable? Yet to be determined, but that seems to be the goal, so a preemptive Check.

Honda just going retro if you ask me :

Yep.  We are in “shut up and take my money” territory here.  I love pretty much everything about this car and want one badly.

Dear Honda,

“That place sounds neat.”