
I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them just don’t want Jerry to get his way. In all honesty, I kinda want Goodell to come out on top because fuck everything about Jerry always getting his way.  

His defense is atrocious, but he’s young and was/is playing in a dismal situation. Some guys need time to mature, or a new team environment (with some veteran presence), or a better coach, or all three.

Incredibly stupid on the part of Colangelo and the Sixers, who haven’t distinguished themselves either with how they’ve handled Fultz’s shoulder situation. A rando second-rounder for Okafor may be nice, but they’ve been trying to trade him for two years now and it’s not going to happen now that they’ve declined his

I’m not sure this is the Jahill the Sixers want to die on

The chortle evoked by ‘creep-adjacent ‘ brought the dog over to worry-lick my face.

In order to reach a list of 20, they had to include DEAD PEOPLE! Good luck to them trying to book Jackie Mason or Bob Hope.

Unless I heard her wrong, Rachel Maddow say US Embassies in Russia are hiring Russian private security to help provide security, and the guy who owns the company is ex-KGB with connections to Putin. What could go wrong?

get many of their ideas into Bill!”

GOP humor is the worst. This is why there are no big conservative comics - who would pay to see HIS speechwriters do standup?

“If Democrats were not such obstructionists and understood the power of lower taxes, we would be able to get many of their ideas into Bill!”

Sorry, how does Moore’s wife think that revealing his history of sexual assault is an attack on her?

Honestly, he’s been the very first open person to admit he was wrong, apologize for it and said yes he should have an ethics investigation.

I think the pic isn’t sexual assault. It is def sexual harassment. I suppose you could make the argument that it is objectively “less bad” than assault. But I think that’s a tricky argument to get into because both sexual harassment and sexual assault are coming from the same societal problems re: treatment of women.

Thank you for your well written and reasoned comment. It expresses many of my thoughts as well, especially the disappointment.

It’s clear in the photo that the Senator is behaving inappropriately. Yes, sexual gestures count as misconduct, especially when one party is unconscious.

As far as the photo, I mostly agree with you - it doesn’t look to me like he actually touched her, but instead was just aiming for “hey look, I’m pretending like I’m going to grope this unconscious woman against her will, HA HA SO FUNNY.” It’s disgusting, offensive, and incredibly disrespectful towards her, but if he

I am really tired of the “he wasn’t ACTUALLY touching her in the photo” defense.

It seems clear from her story that she wanted to avoid the kiss, and that he pushed her beyond what is normally expected and what she indicated she was comfortable with. I’m not an actor but I’m pretty sure tongue isn’t standard in onstage kisses. Also, it’s pretty common for dudes to write hot women into their scenes

What sort of sick fucker immediately jumps to this conclusion? “Where do his hands go in pictures 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 while she sleeps? ....”

I genuinely don’t understand both the “forcibly kissed” and “groped” parts of the Franken story. The photo is goddamn stupid, but doesn’t show contact so isn’t groping - fucking insulting and demeaning, yes, but not sexual assault.