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No, it’s not right. And if you’re sincere about understanding and not just trolling please watch the below video:

The dichotomy is realted to ‘otherness’ In one way it is really really simple.

If I call my brother an asshole its is ok.
If you call my brother an asshole, them’s fightin’ words.

Don’t try to apply reason. My advice if you’re in America, do not talk race.

The word nigger is a weapon. It was used to rape, murder and enslave. It is still used today to murder, silence and dehumanize. Yes, this weapon belongs in a museum where blacks and whites alike can study its danger. But heres the kicker: We, black people, get sent home with a copy no matter what. Why? because the

“Go fuck yourself, just-asking-questions “professor.””

I’m black and I don’t like it when black ppl use the word, or when other ppl use the word. Just because you’re black doesn’t give you the right to say it, because our ancestors were oppressed. Either grow up and learn to talk like an adult, or go back to high school in the ghetto and continue calling your friends that.

I don’t prefer to be called n—-a / n—-er by anyone of any color, but it annoys me that my white acquaintances try to use it, mostly to see if they can get away with it. “Why can’t we say it?”

“Why do you want to?” is a better question. 

That is bullshit my friend.

It depends on who you ask.

No it’s more of a public shaming if you do. We are allowed to call each other nigga because we’ve been called that by whites for the last 400 years. Look at it this way, you don’t get a right to use it deal with it.

In America, if you’re white, you’re racist whether you want to believe it or not. Look up white privilege. It’s a big problem here.

Now that’s something I’m not shocked at. Elon Musk has the empathy quotient of a cottonmouth crossed with a pet rock. Considering systemic racism is likely common among the kinds of people he feels comfortable hiring for management jobs (its sadly common in the high tech industry, another of those things that need to

He killed his paw

The resemblance is uncanny.

That photo raises one important question: why have the Knicks not yet retired no. 13 for Mark Jackson?

I didn’t know moldering was a word. You learn something new every day.

I don’t really like the ark of this story. They should have lined up some other free agents two by two to sign before the impending storm.

OK, sorry. I mistook you for someone who disagreed with the message he signed his name to. You must have your reasons for disliking him this much but I found the article that he signed off on as being spot on. I’m with you for the no Trump in 2020 (as long as it’s not someone worse, like Pence).

Oh so you didn’t mean that he only said this to bump up his brand? Hmm, guess I completely misread all your comments about “branding” then. Never mind that he made a solid comment regarding how we treat vets and you attacked him for advancing his brand.