
This is why I believe true reconciliation and unity in this country is a long, long way off. There is a huge swath of this country—slightly less than half, but located geographically such that they dominate national politics—that is so intellectually bankrupt and morally toxic, that even meeting them somewhere close

Watching Fox News makes people less informed than watching no news. It is literally misinformation.

Well this article was quite the roller coaster ride.

Economic anxiety driving support for racist policies is a complete myth. Trump voters were wealthier than Clinton voters. It’s just racism, misogyny, xenophobia, general bigotry of all kinds.

Must be nice to retire by 67 on a public pension... I wonder which party pushed for those benefits to employees?

The variable size of the pie doesn’t mean a fucking thing if the richest fraction of a percent of people keep taking half of it before the rest of us even see it.

At this stage, anyone who continues to support Trump is either a racist asshole, or is perfectly willing to rationalize racist behavior in order to get what they want (tax cuts, SCOTUS nominees, etc).

No, the point is that all Trump voters are racist assholes.

“It’s not like he sleeps in till noon and goes golfing every weekend, like the last president did.” 

This. I grew up in a “nice” part of our biggest city’s coolest borough, and heard plenty of vile, racist shit on the regular.

I’ve always had some trouble understanding how people can be so stupid as to be racist, but reading this, I can’t help but imagine a conversation:

This is an actual excerpt from that story:

Yeah, I kinda figured Pam didn’t feel like doing the requisite name change paperwork for the fourth time.

Jack Murtha wasn’t wrong when he said his district (of which Johnstown is the principal city) was “a bunch of rednecks.”

This demographic generally has a history of multiple failed marriages, out-of-wedlock children, and step-children abuse.

Everything was fine until the overpaid players had the temerity to express an opinion. Never mind that most of those overpaid players come from backgrounds of crushing poverty and disenfranchisement.

Straight outta Johnstown

This is why I came on down to the grays - so I could hear the whining of hurt baby fee-fees.

I wanted to make Curt Schilling jokes. I wanted to make NWA jokes.

When I saw a screenshot of the n-word dialogue in a tweet earlier, I had just assumed it was an interview with Curt Schilling and moved on.