
It’s not 100% BS, but it is an unproven theory and I should have acknowledged that in my post. My Bad. But the political history of his father, his role in the Carlyle Group, and his position in the CIA makes him immediately circumspect to me. I do not have an immediate authoritarian respect for any politician in this

Its’ true, HW could have been way, way worse.

You have a habit of assuming opinions that are not true. I am in NO WAY a Clinton supporter. Not of Bill, not of Hillary. I’m a Progressive who continues my notion that both political parties are corrupted and that we need a real revolution to change things. Right wingers, Centrists, and corporate Dems be damned! But,

I’m so over wypipo and their ridiculously delicate fee-fees. We are told to “deal with it” for any and everything that we do not like, but God forbid one of them dislike what we say and/or do. Modern America: Black People - Be twice as good as everyone around you to get half as far, step out of line once (or bump into

My best friend’s daughter attends this school. Last school year her daughter was called a nigger on the school bus, and the school essentially did nothing. Her son, who is in the elementary school in the same district, was told by a child in his class after the election that it was now okay to kill all the black

White people are tired of it. And white people are also tired of being lumped together as ALL white people too.

You are a godamn fucking idiot..

Cops have always been the strong arm of white supremacy. I don’t expect anything from them because they already know these types of things happen and they say and do nothing about it. That’s why there’s no such thing as a good cop.

The problem with most white folks is that many of them will apologize or excuse this kind of behavior. They see it as an anomaly instead of its true endemic nature. When white people decide, en masse, that they need to hold themselves to a higher standard, hopefully we will see less of this kind of behavior. There’s

How is it helping stop brutality? White people look at the footage and conclude that the person being abused deserved it. There hasn’t been any legislation put into effect to change policing in ways that would reduce the instances of this kind of police behavior happening. Quite the opposite since any cop who has been

If their parents aren’t straight up modeling this behavior, they’re ignoring it. As someone who’s constantly debating my All Lives Matter, “Kaepernick isn’t playing because his stats” coworkers, I never underestimate the ability for white people to gaslight themselves into an oblivious wonderland where they’re not

White supremacy is like herpes, everybody carries the virus, it’s just more active in some people than others.

All of this. As much as I disliked the Spurs (not hate. That’s reserved specifically for the Celtics and Boston in general) as a team, I’ve always had respect for the organization and Pop. That respect has morphed into full on crush these past few years.

Let’s also hear from the Warrior’s unofficial spokesperson, the youngest Curry...

My demand wasn’t to paint the NBA as uniquely weak on this, they are the best of the leagues on this issue. But there is always room to do better. I’m not going to let whataboutism get in the way of this criticism. We need to see more white coaches, white players, etc. in the league come through the crack in the door

Adam Silver’s decision to move the All-Star Game over LGBT rights in general and transgender in particular show there are good people from the top down to the goofy white dude waving the towel at the end of the bench in the NBA.

Pop has been on point during this entire foofaraw against these players protesting. It’s more than a shame more white folks in management in sports haven’t taken advantage this crack in the door he’s left them.

I want to preface this by saying that I am a Laker fan and although it doesn’t count for much these days, in the salad days of 90’s-00’s basketball the Lakers-Spurs match-ups were Must-See basketball. Basically, that’s a long way of saying I used to HATE the Spurs...emphasis on ‘used to.’