Carlson spent the last decade as Fox News’ most arguably most right-wing and racist host, a guy who so routinely trafficked in anti-Black content that the New York Times did an entire project on it.
Carlson spent the last decade as Fox News’ most arguably most right-wing and racist host, a guy who so routinely trafficked in anti-Black content that the New York Times did an entire project on it.
“the Friday actor explained that he didn’t feel safe taking it because he felt that it was a “six-month kind of rush job.”
Cube got rich. Really really rich. And like a lot of really really rich people, he’s bored (and wants those sweet sweet tax breaks!). Vaccine denialism is first and foremost about entertainment - it’s conspiracy porn.
Should have shoved Cucker out the door and let the issue resolve itself.
Cube went from Amerikkka’s Most Wanted to the Far Right’s Most Coveted. Willie Nelson was right when he said, “Momma don’t let your babies grow up to be sellouts!”
1) Tucker is a White Supremist, I wonder if they talked about that.
I saw this on my notifications and assumed it was a reply to a comment I made last night about racist family members at thanksgiving.
That attempted tweet regarding the cost of cookouts...can’t be accurate. Yes, the cost of groceries is going up—but it’s been going up since forever. More than that, claiming that certain things have gone up in price by 25% since last year seems unlikely at best.
Or maybe the boss shouldn’t date employees?
Can something be done about the fake Dr Lizardo account and others like it, please? I have a pretty high tolerance for black humour, but the shit these trolls get away with is not fucking funny. People are getting killed by people who share their intolerance, but they find safe harbour on this site. It’s becoming hate…
A man who initiated a relationship with a 15yr old when he was an entire adult older than she was (we all know he’s the worst but where were her PARENTS!). Who skipped out to another country to avoid facing consequences for multiple rapes is a dumpster fire. Who’d a thought?
Too white is my guess.
What was the dog wearing?>
The funny thing is, and there really isn’t anything funny here, but even if this dude went on to cure cancer, bring about world peace, and end hunger, anytime his name was brought up from that point on it would STILL be, “Oh the dog fucker”, not that he cured cancer, brought about world peace, nope he is and will…
This is what occurs when you’re too book smart and never spend any adequate time with kids your own age while growing up. Obv. there’s also those who have a bad childhood and also loners who commit insane crimes.
Hackers can already steal cars by accessing literally any part of the wiring loom they can get to. Ignoring or getting rid of right to repair laws won’t stop thieves so this is all just BS by the dealer networks and their manufacturers and the government officials they lobby to keep the grift going. It’s a last…
Fine. Take away “remote” access. Give the access. Period.
Nothing. But if they close their eyes and pull their ears hard enough the bad guys go away or something.
And the corporate feudalism continues.