
Suburban Clevelander here. This piece is the absolute gospel. For all this talk about white people wanting jobs the truth is that what Becky and Chad really want is to be first in line for jobs without having to work any harder or do anything different.

Now playing

That’s basically a Dave Chappelle joke.

Like I have that white friend I hung out with for years and I didn’t have the realization of “Oh! You’re white!” until we’re hanging out late one night in Salt Lake City (long story, also late in SLC is 10pm), half drunk and hopped up on Aderoll AND THIS FOOL WALK UP TO A COP AND ASKS HIM FOR DIRECTION TO A BAR.


I flirt with cashiers and other women in similar jobs when I can (if they seem open to it)

A White guy at lunch today tried to argue that somehow feminism is responsible for absurd alimony\child support payments and that the current system was what “women wanted”. Where do people get these stupid fucking ideas?

#ProTip: It ain’t the feminism, homie.

Or... maybe learn that women are humans? And not fuck-objects to go to places to scope out? IDK, just a suggestion.

I can’t speak for all women, but also: I’m not that mysterious. When I met my current SO I signaled my interest pretty clearly and strongly; he felt pretty confident that I was appreciating his attention and it was OK to proceed due to me openly saying things like, “I like you”, “This is fun”, and “Let’s do this