He can't be that smart. He fucked up the photography.
He can't be that smart. He fucked up the photography.
The cops were like, "oh. Ohhhhhh."
I was not the cute kid. My sister was. We have SO MUCH dirt on her. She really was very inventive and adorable.
Ugh, go away.
I wonder how long this marriage will last, based on your friend's adage:
He groomed her for 2 yrs. He admitted that he wanted sex since the first time he saw her. For 2 yrs, he seduced her. She did not realize it until after the fact. That matters.
I never, ever want to be pregnant.
I don't have a FitBit, but I use the Pacer app on my iPhone. I get so irritated when I realize I'm running around all day probably burning loads of calories, but I keep setting my phone down on my desk or in my purse or on the treadmill tray at the gym. Pacer is utterly useless unless I'm specifically out to take a…
The shame factor of those things is no joke. I lost mine and actually ended up replacing it because seeing how goddamn low those numbers were now that I work in an office terrified the shit out of me. Not having them shoved in my face multiple times a day made it easier to be in denial.
Movies are best enjoyed on your couch under a blanket with wine and good snacks. Everyone knows this. Heathers mom truly gave every reason NOT to go to the movies possible, she even gave me new excuses. I don't have a child, but that's besides the point.
I am so happy that you got out of this relationship. Thank you for sharing your story, I wish you nothing but happiness in your future.
Thank you. If God wanted me to put milk in my coffee, he wouldn't have invented whiskey.
Nah, it;s not just cool, it's entirely deserved. Our infrastructure is rotting out from under us, and NO ONE even talks about the municipal water systems, many of which were installed during the great depression, and have long since aged out of their projected lifespans.
Dogs are pretty good at chewing through umbilical cords and cleaning up afterbirth...
Just sayin' I might give Mo a shot if I lived in Alabama. Not like they can arrest a dog for helping me out.
Or can they?!
Don't worry, they'll give it to a nice Christian family to care for it.
Going to post a graphic from the article for people to mull over if they don't think it's a big deal that people have to drive to another county (or state) for prenatal care and L&D and can't use a midwife at home. Keep in mind that the state of Alabama is larger than England.
can i call for a country-wide uterus protest? No one gets babies until we can do it our way - safely (that includes abortions). I will type up a draft of our terms. We need a team for writing reproductive system puns.
Can I just surrender my uterus now? It's become more trouble than it's worth.
if Anne Hathaway doesn't play Mary Poppins then i will revolt. REVOLT.
Pfft. amateurs.