Minimum of 1 pending sexual assault charge as well.
Minimum of 1 pending sexual assault charge as well.
Did you miss the “Barstool” bit?
100% of Barstools target demo has greek letters on their shirts while watching, and has at least 2 pairs of Sperry’s.
Ryan Harrison everyone.
I drank 10 40s and I’m barely feeling anything.
“Watch this” came right after “hold my Egg McMuffin”
Yeah, I was watching it like “Oh my God, they are overhyping the Hell out of her” and then she did her first run and I was like “...never mind.”
Greatness in competition and in proactive marketing.
I’m here to win medals and get laid, and it looks like they’re all out of medals.
But what about the coin? Does it suffer from basic conscious or unconscious bias?
I have to side against Davis solely because he used the term “2-peat”. How can a 35yo from Chicago not know that “3-peat” is an extension of “repeat”, not “2-peat”?
The preeminent speed skater of his generation couldn’t get a majority of 8 peers to vote for him over a bronze luger. I wouldn’t take that as a sign of being super ultra respected, either.
I will simply need to assume at this point that you are a troll, as I’ve responded quite succinctly to every rambling word you put out there.
Some car-washing tips the experts will never tell you:
But was the National Anthem playing when he stood?
Vince Young belongs in the HOF after winning like 60% of his career starts with this shithead as head coach.
Well, if you take the case to a Jury trial I think he might get 10-15 years in football jail but he may get off with nothing. On the other hand, if you offer him a plea I bet he’d take 7-9.
Maybe Belicheck hates Philadelphia so much that he wanted to see it destroyed.