That...was a lot. Maybe you’re the one who needs to “get over it.” Whatever the fuck that means.
That...was a lot. Maybe you’re the one who needs to “get over it.” Whatever the fuck that means.
Non-disruptive is very subjective.
At least the Penny Lane character admitted that it was all an act to hide her seriously fucked up issues and honestly didn’t care about his spiritual journey.
Yeah, I’m willing to bet you’ve never organized a conference. I have — twice. As the organizer (read: secretary/enforcer), I have indeed asked people to turn off cell phones or take them outside if there’s a panel on-going. You better believe I’d have done the same with the author and her child, especially since she di…
White American Christian who just claimed that “coming out” as Christian is worse than coming out as gay: I can’t understand why there’s this stereotype of Christians being delusional assholes!
So... I read that as Yako Ono and it lead me down a path of wondering what a mashup twitter account of animaniacs quotes and Yoko Ono would be like.
Nathan Rabin coined the term Manic Pixie Dream Girl to describe the character Claire. So without Elizabethtown, we wouldn’t have the term, and without the term, I wouldn’t have had the idea for my PhD. Lemons...lemonade.
Oh my god YES. The Notebook like, makes me angry. It’s such emotionally manipulative, calculated nonsense.
Hi, I’m Kristiffer Lawredeschanel, and I’m here to talk about a cause very close to my heart. Every day, Manic Pixie Dream Girls across America are dying. Hundreds of women with crooked smiles and a penchant for describing sunsets while quoting your favorite Camus/Salinger/Dr. Seuss book are disappearing from your…
I kind of like Almost Famous but Almost Famous is easily one of the 10 most overrated movies(by a certain type of dude) ever.
I am on nobody’s side in this article. Everyone seems like they could’ve made better choices.
yep. he was supposedly on a crack binge. non addicts dont just go on crack binges because they are upset. he has a disease that needs to be treated.
That’s why I think she not only just wants to be religious, but is of course will to change so she can have the man. So...not such deeply held convictions that she has to whine about “coming out,” in my opinion.
No, it isn’t fair. Addiction isn’t anyone’s fault; it’s a disease. To blame Khloe and her family is ignorant. And Lamar signs off on the content of the show if it involves him. He gets paid for it. He’s no victim there.
Yes, our struggle is real. Nobody bothers to treat me as anything other than a human being.
Run, Bobby, run.
If something is important to you and you need the people you date to understand it, doesn’t it make sense to be up front and hope it’s important to them, too?
It’s more that our beliefs and ways of looking at the world are the very thing that make us interesting—I can’t fathom not wanting to trot this stuff out first thing, because how else are you going to find out if you’re dealing with someone who gets you?