
People believe memory is a faithful recording of events, but it’s extremely fallible and tied to emotion and it’s actually shockingly easy to implant false memories (interesting article here:…). And when they’re confronted with conflicting information they assume they’re right

While the burning with soup is the obvious issue here and an absolutely fucking unacceptable way to deal with anything as a grown ass person (or as a child)... Can we just agree that people that pull the, “I just had/bought/received/did this here last week,” customers are some of the FUCKING WORST?

Why are customers always convinced people are lying to them? They have only one cup size, they aren’ trying to trick you for the fun of it. I one time had a customer, when I worked at the convenience store, swear up and down they paid for a money order with a credit card there just recently. The damn computers didn’t

I just read and became enraged at an article on some local NPR affiliate’s website about how moms aren’t properly connecting with their babies while breastfeeding because they are on their phones.

And why the hell did we decide that the best way to raise kids is to be on top of them ALL THE TIME. My mom may not have had a smart phone, but starting at 6 or so she kicked me out of the house for the day on the regs. And before that I <gasp> played by myself with my toys.

I was annoyed earlier this year by some alarmist study that claimed kids were getting hurt at the playground because their parents, absorbed in their screens, weren’t supervising the kids’ play enough. “We can all do better”, the study’s author claimed- according to her, parents must keep all eyes on their kids at all

This. I’m a nanny. I hate the idea that we need to be 100% attentive to kids. I’m only on my phone at a park, a play place, nap, etc... But even then, I’m tuned in to the kids and where they are. I have to be able to zone out or else I’m irritable.

I am with my kids all day, every day from 7am to 7pm. I am not worried about “missing out” because I'm texting my brother while they play. I'm so sick of this crap. My mother wasn't staring at me the whole time I was growing up, and thank goodness for that. Who wants to sit and watch fucking soccer practice? We always

Also, since we live in a society where it is hard to let kids have time to themselves to play and explore, I think being in their area (at a park, playground, etc.) but doing my own thing (reading, phoning, knitting...) lets them have their own time, but I'm there for any emergencies. Kids should not need a constant

My mom used to take me to the park every single damn day. She brought a book with her every time, because you can only revel in the miracle of your offspring making their way down a slide for so long (also, I found out later, because she desperately hated all of the other mothers who were there and didn’t want to have


I love Woodland Park Zoo! I take my nephews when I'm visiting them. I also love Anna and Chris. Happy Sunday!

I raised $600 for Planned Parenthood. last night by producing a burlesque and drag fundraiser. I’m pretty happy about it. So today I’m celebrating by having GrubHub tacos and watching Poldark.

Speaking of dogs wearing human clothes,

Any opportunity to show off my rescue girl!

I am SO HAPPY he found a new home!

Because you should also get to see his handsome face....

In honor of rescue dogs- this guy. In a shelter 7 months ago. Now revered as a minor diety. (He’s wearing my husband’s socks)

If he turns her down, does she have a #2 choice?

My guess on what really went down: