dieter lazer

How the mighty have fallen.

More importantly, why the fuck does AVC seem so willing to take a dump on LLM and Hamilton?

Anyone else getting a very distinct Kenny Powers/Stevie Janowski vibe from this show's central relationship?

Whoa, really?! I thought this was a series high-water mark, in a big way.

Another interesting possible thematic through-line — the pilot seemed concerned with the seeking of attention, accompanied by the failure to actually get it (this being an extension of Chip's frustrated professional dreams, too).

Yes. A thousand times, yes.


It would have been cool if that final moment had been extended — like, Damien & Ollie just keep staring at each other for a super duper duper long time. To the point where other people in the crowd start noticing and you get like, a wide shot of everyone kind of confusedly looking back and forth, wondering why the

Yeah, it was directed by their fight choreographer. This is only credit. (Which explains a lot.) This guy was going for some SERIOUSLY STYLISH CAMERA WORK. Sometimes he pulls it off (that elevator fight) sometime he really doesn't (the unnecessary steadicam tracking shot in the very beginning that includes a moment

I like how Thea very, very publicly beat the shit out of some random guy in a little cocktail bar and dealt with absolutely zero repercussions.

Agreed - and she hasn't once been able to pull off the Canary Cry without looking like she's a 10-year-old pretending to be a velociraptor in her parents' backyard. It looks hokey as fuck every time she does it, (though I feel like it'd be a challenge for anyone to make that move look rad). She's a pretty weak link.

I actually thought that Lash in the convenience store was a *mix* of practical and CGI — at least that's how it looked to me. Anyone else?

I would assume that Aziz knows a bit more about how his co-star will take that comment than you or I.

"Vinci" is basically a stand-in for Vernon, which is like, a very small city within downtown LA. I think in the show it's pretty clear that Vinci is basically the same as real-life Vernon.

My favorite was when someone just went, "That new train station."

"Shul" is yiddish for synagogue. Or it's like "Sunday School" when you're little.

You guys really had to make me look at the face of that dude from The Mist one more time, didn't you.


I got into an Uber yesterday and greeted the driver with "Heynong, man."

Do you know what the music cue was when Frank was talking to Frankito? Straight out of my childhood and almost definitely Danny Elfman, but I coupdnt place it.