
This sounds like some bullshit. Though I get that US Soccer is sick of Hope's shit but still.he wasn't even arrested, let alone charged, this is ridiculous.

So they can go bankrupt like the NASL? There's no way they should get rid of the salary cap. Just raise it.

You're saying seriously? to me? You clearly can't weigh a balloon on a scale. As Tim pointed out the ball has to be under fairly high pressure in order to be able to use weight to determine the mass of the gas in it. I'm an equipment manager, I'd completely forgotten the ball was under pressure. Unless that's what

Ahhhhh.... forgot the the all was under pressure.

well thank you professor science, obviously weight is a measure of the interaction the masses of two objects, the planet earth and the item being weighed. The thing i hadn't accounted for was that the ball is under pressure so the density of the gas inside is higher that of the surround atmosphere.

That can't be right, can it? If you filled the ball with hydrogen, the hydrogen would have mass and the football would weigh less.

I read somewhere 100% of food in the US now contains chemicals! Down with Agro Business, Down with Monsanto! FOR SHAME!

It doesn't matter what you do. You could graduate from Columbia and Harvard Law and they would say you're from whatever the hispanic equivalent of Kenya is....Spain I guess.


Well, throw-ins aren't direct. Back in my day refs would make a big a deal on ever dead ball whether the kick was direct or indirect. All free kicks seem to be direct these days, so i'm not sure if the keeper knew the throw-in wasn't direct. One hopes the refs knew at least.

I know who they are. That's why its funny to hear Raysism talking about them.

It's not quite clear what dosage you're referring to with 240 oz? a full sized retail bottle, that is allegedly 30 dozes? I'm quite certain you'd have to eat a lot, of these bears to have the effect of "a month's supply". Also of course you don't actually need to use that much water to get the Miralax down. Though

Its just a weird name for an investment. Commercial/retail banks have all sorts of crazy names, there are so many of them. investment banks are usually named after people ie:Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, ect. Or countries Credit Suisse/Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS)/Deutsche Bank.... there are some weirdly named

you'd be confused because no one has ever heard Evercore which is a ridiculous name for an investment bank so you think instead it's more reasonable for a Rapper to be issuing fairness opinions than that there is an actual bank called Evercore.

On serious note for second, the combinations of sanctions and oil prices really are putting the squeeze on Russia, Putin and his Oligarchs. I wonder if the US would even let this sale go through...

Yes again, the joke wasn't that Everlast was the obscure reference, but rather that EVERCORE is such an obscure boutique that they would be confused with the 90's rapper. I am only 31, and I remember Everlast and his feud eminem... also Jump Around...

Yes I am implying that you would confuse Everlast and Evercore. That was, in fact, the joke.

Yeah but YOU should have thought it was odd that a rapper from the 90's was now issuing fairness opinions on professional sports franchises.

Wait a minute, wait a minute. Raysism knows who/what Evercore are? How is that even possible? Shouldn't your example bank have ben Raymond James?