
Padma's hair this week, wow. She should have been selling haircare solutions instead of that terrible looking frozen rice.

One of my friends did mention that Stew Leonard's had them at one point. I never got to try them but his sentiment was similar to yours but he said they were no more sickly than the real cronuts just not as polished in execution.

He trademarked the name when the craze first started because of all the other places around the world who started making them. He got that registered trademark really quickly actually… props to his PR team as it created even more coverage even though he didn't need it.

I've given DA so many chances. I've had his cronuts in NYC and now in London and they are universally rubbish. The point of a mashup is to be as good as if not better than the two constituent parts, it's not. None of that rich buttery flake of a great croissant and completely missing out on any form or style of

While I agree with Brooke (who I am totally in love with) that something this conceptual can't be thought up in minutes the cronut is one of the times I'm pretty sure it was.
Dominique loves to paint this bullshit story of not having eaten doughnuts, testing multiple dough recipes to get his recipe and it being a

While I agree with Brooke (who I am totally in love with) that something this conceptual can't be thought up in minutes the cronut is one of the times I'm pretty sure it was.
Dominique loves to paint this bullshit story of not having eaten doughnuts, testing multiple dough recipes to get his recipe and it being a

I did. I think it's because we so rarely see Oliver with a gun, moves and a killing mindset. That combination allows him to be brutal and efficient in a way he otherwise can't be.

He has actually hosted quite a few award shows in the UK, usually the Television BAFTAs and the Comedy Awards.

Completely agree. On paper I should love him but whenever I tried to watch his show I didn't last longer than five minutes.

I loved that show for what it was but it had no relation to Human Target.

Ouch. You just confirmed all my worst fears and neuroses about being the person who has the feelings without definitive reciprocation. I'll just point out that being stuck in a one-sided undefined infatuation is a horrible purgatory like existence. But time and distance dull the amount of time and energy taken up

He was married during the writing of series 1, Konnie Huq co-wrote 15 Million Merits (granted, Waldo was an idea kicking about for quite a while though). I do agree that he has mellowed a little and gained perspective on the other facets of life.

Oh yes, the boozy chicken for kids. She was really linked with Alex the pea puree weirdo? I don't know who was doing worse for themselves in that pairing but someone was.

Brooke is definitely a front runner for me (along with Shirley) especially after the red herring they threw in the preview about her regretting coming back. It is sad to see Brooke shilling milk though, those infomercials are Blais level bad.

She used to be a lot slimmer and I think she admitted to smoking pot in one of the interviews… that and her airhead personality is all I remember about her. Italian food??

I think Beverly is way too content with her real life situation to be dragged back to Top Chef like some of the other chefs here.

True. Though I would kill for those blue eyes…

Or as I said quite loudly as Jimmy and Gretchen stood waiting for their cars, "FUCK weddings."

Wholly agree. You never add the tea at the start unless you are a chaiwala and making 5 cups a time through hosiery.