
Yeah. His brothers relapses definitely spurred him into investigating the prison system. All the FOX money making is really tying up his time which has meant no new format or original programming in quite some time (I checked out of his US output a couple of years ago). Here's hoping that Gordon will get back to

There was. It was a reality show in the ilk of Big Brother with celebrities in the kitchen and real diners every night. Gordon did the first series before pitching the reworked format in the US. The UK version tried again with Marco Pierre White (Gordon's old boss, they pitched him as the man that made Ramsay cry) but

From the description it sounds like he's mashing together The F Word and Cookalong Live (which he already failed to get off the ground in the US) which makes sense as I'm sure the first thing FOX did was cut all the interesting ideas (raising animals, pre-recorded pieces about worthy food causes/issues, amateur

Gordon actually shopped that to the US networks and got no traction. He then offered a joint project with Channel 4 in the UK with him visiting a female prison in the US but that didn't happen and then his contract with C4 ran out.

It's not. But it's really not very good either. It tries to be too inclusive of outsiders instead of revelling in the subject matter. So you get cringy explanations, badly timed jokes (by the other presenter), terrible game choices, zany gimmicks and crucially piss poor gaming which would have been fine in the 90s but

*Genoise (I know it's named after Genoa but it is a French style of cake rather than an Italian one).

Mr Blobby on Big Fat Quiz never ever fails to make me grin from ear to ear.

For me it goes Bake Off >>>>>>> Pottery Throw Down = Interior Design Challenge s1+s2 = Sewing Bee s1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Interior Design Challenge s3 (I haven't watched the rest of sewing bee just yet, sort of saving it).

Apart from the amazing diversity Kate also should have touched on how naturally the fanbase for the show grew, going from a tiny show on BBC2 (small audiences) to THE most popular show on any network. That grassroots fandom along with it keeping its integrity when it moved to BBC1 has made the show an institution.

I still get a shiver of excitement whenever I think about it. So many beautiful and less than beautiful things put together to create a beautifully bleak world filled with deluded people in denial but with that glimpse of hope.
Shun trying to sell the book, wow (I could list another 20-30 of these moments with ease).

It was great but was it really a sitcom? This is a key point missing from this discussion, British comedies in general are not afraid to mix in drama and vice versa whereas on the whole American shows prefer a very rigid divide between the two genres.

I've been saying the same thing for YEARS! Henry Sugar is a movie script just waiting to be made. Simple 3 act structure and happy ending for Hollywood with depth, mysticism and tale inside a tale for the intelligent audience to love.

Pre-Armando leaving is obviously what he meant.

Scotland disagrees with ya' pal, c**t is the truly multipurpose swear word of choice for the discerning curse word connoisseur. Fuck comes a close second.


jism or jizsm is how I usually spell it.

Not on the same level and a very different tone but you should give Chewing Gum a go if you haven't already. A very frank look into the mind of an outgoing teenager growing up whilst fenced in by her upbringing.

We've always got the animated movie to fall back on if this one is terrible.


So was I. She's really nice IRL too.